kidnapped and transformed RP

The guard kept walking, not hearing what Namine. They were nearing the cafeteria now.

"There's no reason to start yelling; but, yeah, that's basically what we would like. This is real, by the way." He turned from Raiana and focused on walking again. They turned a corner and Jasmine and the other guard were just a few yards ahead of them.

"Alright, " Dirk said, "try thinking of yourself as normal again. That's usually what triggers the morph is thinking of one's self in the other form and willing yourself to be that." He stood up, glanced at the clock on the wall, then said "Come on, the meeting's just down the hall from here. You can try to change back on the way or when we get there, but we should probably go because it should be starting about now."

Namine followed the guard.

Raiana sighed and followed the guard, she wasn't going to get answers this way.

Solana thought of herself as normal as she walked after Dirk (she doesn't know his name though) and changed back. "Thanks." she said.
Namine followed the guard.

Raiana sighed and followed the guard, she wasn't going to get answers this way.

Solana thought of herself as normal as she walked after Dirk (she doesn't know his name though) and changed back. "Thanks." she said.
"No problem. My name's Dirk, by the way," he said as they entered the cafeteria, which was filled with normal school cafeteria tables but seemed to have far fewer occupants than he was used to. When they walked through the double-doors they were at the back wall of the room about halfway between the far right wall and the middle aisle. Raiana and Namine were led in just behind Dirk and Solana by the two guards that were with them. The guards took their spots at the back of the room while Dirk searched for a place to sit. He suddenly spotted Jessie waving at him from a table near the back right corner of the room. She had a number of open seats near her that she had been saving for late arrivals. Dirk went and sat down then turned to Solana. He saw Raiana and Namine come in the room as well and waved for all three girls to come and sit down with himself and Jessie.(There's an open seat on either end and one in the middle of the table's bench so, if they choose to sit there, there will be one person sitting on the end next to Jessie, one on the other end next to Dirk, and one in the middle next to both of them. You decide who sits where or if they even sit there at all)
Solana sat on the end next to Dirk.

Namine went towards the person with wings like a dragon's. He seemed like he knew what he was doing. She sat in the middle.

Raiana sat down in the first open spot she saw, (which just so happens to be the one by Jesse) while playing with some string (only she knows where she got it.)
Solana sat on the end next to Dirk.

Namine went towards the person with wings like a dragon's. He seemed like he knew what he was doing. She sat in the middle.

Raiana sat down in the first open spot she saw, (which just so happens to be the one by Jesse) while playing with some string (only she knows where she got it.)

Up front on the stage, Dr. Conners stood by a podium fiddling with a microphone. Strangely, he was standing with a set of crutches, but the podium blocked any view of his legs so noone could see anything wrong with them. He got the mic adjusted right then switched it on. "...thing working... there." he said, a trace of controled agony in his voice. "Hello. As many of you already know, I am Dr. Michael Conners, the lead scientist at this facility. As many of you also know, two days ago our compound was brutally attacked by a mercenary group recruited by an old rival of mine, one Dr. Naro Vindi. The cost was great, as many as 28 of our "Half-Bloods" here have been captured and we know of at least three that are dead. Of our 300 man security force, 160 brave men have died and another 50 are injured. Several of the other researchers have either been captured, injured, or killed. Myself among them..." He grasped the crutches then weakly made his way out from behind the podium. When his lower half came into view, the room let out a colective gasp, and a few girls screamed or fainted. Starting about 1 inch below Conners' left knee, where there should have been leg, there was nothing. His leg had been so badly damaged by the blast from Romanov's grenade that there had been no choice but to simply hack it off and close up the hole. "They did this to me. They attacked us, took the people who were my life's work, many of whom I had become good friends with, and killed inocent people. I know I am not going to let them get away with this, and wheather any of you want to be a part of that is your choice. I will be organizing a strike force of our own that will go and hit Vindi back and free the captured Half-Bloods. If any of you want to come along, that is fine, but there is no problem with not going. If you want to come along, there will be combat training to help improve your chances of survival and improve our chances of success. Those interested, please see me in the main lab after this is over. For now, to try and lighten the mood, we are taking special orders for all meals untill further notice. There will be guidelines for each type of you all depending on what kind of mutation you have because some of your bodies reject or are vulnerable to certain things now. For the moment, that is all." He turned and trudged off the stage as make-shift waiters began to come around to the tables.

(Hey Water, two things. One, Jessie has the wings and tail of a Deadly Nadder, also the kind from the HTTYD movie. Two, if you want to make Namine pass out and start to fall backwards off the bench when she sees Dr. Conners' leg missing, I have something cool planned. ;) )
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Raiana pulled the string, which caused a voice recording of a fire alarm (once again, only she knows where she got it.) to go off.
Solana had been falling asleep but jolted awake at the sound.
Namine looked around to figure out where the noise was coming from.
Up front on the stage, Dr. Conners stood by a podium fiddling with a microphone. Strangely, he was standing with a set of crutches, but the podium blocked any view of his legs so noone could see anything wrong with them. He got the mic adjusted right then switched it on. "...thing working... there." he said, a trace of controled agony in his voice. "Hello. As many of you already know, I am Dr. Michael Conners, the lead scientist at this facility. As many of you also know, two days ago our compound was brutally attacked by a mercenary group recruited by an old rival of mine, one Dr. Naro Vindi. The cost was great, as many as 28 of our "Half-Bloods" here have been captured and we know of at least three that are dead. Of our 300 man security force, 160 brave men have died and another 50 are injured. Several of the other researchers have either been captured, injured, or killed. Myself among them..." He grasped the crutches then weakly made his way out from behind the podium. When his lower half came into view, the room let out a colective gasp, and a few girls screamed or fainted. Starting about 1 inch below Conners' left knee, where there should have been leg, there was nothing. His leg had been so badly damaged by the blast from Romanov's grenade that there had been no choice but to simply hack it off and close up the hole. "They did this to me. They attacked us, took the people who were my life's work, many of whom I had become good friends with, and killed inocent people. I know I am not going to let them get away with this, and wheather any of you want to be a part of that is your choice. I will be organizing a strike force of our own that will go and hit Vindi back and free the captured Half-Bloods. If any of you want to come along, that is fine, but there is no problem with not going. If you want to come along, there will be combat training to help improve your chances of survival and improve our chances of success. Those interested, please see me in the main lab after this is over. For now, to try and lighten the mood, we are taking special orders for all meals untill further notice. There will be guidelines for each type of you all depending on what kind of mutation you have because some of your bodies reject or are vulnerable to certain things now. For the moment, that is all." He turned and trudged off the stage as make-shift waiters began to come around to the tables.

(Hey Water, two things. One, Jessie has the wings and tail of a Deadly Nadder, also the kind from the HTTYD movie. Two, if you want to make Namine pass out and start to fall backwards off the bench when she sees Dr. Conners' leg missing, I have something cool planned.

Raiana pulled the string, which caused a voice recording of a fire alarm (once again, only she knows where she got it.) to go off.
Solana had been falling asleep but jolted awake at the sound.
Namine looked around to figure out where the noise was coming from.
(whoops, hit the post button bu accident then had to go back and edit in the rest.)
Selena smiled her mom would kill her for it if she knew but she isn't here she smirked and took out the pouch of sweets taking out a broken sugar cookie and plopped it into her mouth (BTW There's still a stack of Selena's sweets somewhere in Josh and her room, and I think 2 more days till chrismas eve)
Up front on the stage, Dr. Conners stood by a podium fiddling with a microphone. Strangely, he was standing with a set of crutches, but the podium blocked any view of his legs so noone could see anything wrong with them. He got the mic adjusted right then switched it on. "...thing working... there." he said, a trace of controled agony in his voice. "Hello. As many of you already know, I am Dr. Michael Conners, the lead scientist at this facility. As many of you also know, two days ago our compound was brutally attacked by a mercenary group recruited by an old rival of mine, one Dr. Naro Vindi. The cost was great, as many as 28 of our "Half-Bloods" here have been captured and we know of at least three that are dead. Of our 300 man security force, 160 brave men have died and another 50 are injured. Several of the other researchers have either been captured, injured, or killed. Myself among them..." He grasped the crutches then weakly made his way out from behind the podium. When his lower half came into view, the room let out a colective gasp, and a few girls screamed or fainted. Starting about 1 inch below Conners' left knee, where there should have been leg, there was nothing. His leg had been so badly damaged by the blast from Romanov's grenade that there had been no choice but to simply hack it off and close up the hole. "They did this to me. They attacked us, took the people who were my life's work, many of whom I had become good friends with, and killed inocent people. I know I am not going to let them get away with this, and wheather any of you want to be a part of that is your choice. I will be organizing a strike force of our own that will go and hit Vindi back and free the captured Half-Bloods. If any of you want to come along, that is fine, but there is no problem with not going. If you want to come along, there will be combat training to help improve your chances of survival and improve our chances of success. Those interested, please see me in the main lab after this is over. For now, to try and lighten the mood, we are taking special orders for all meals untill further notice. There will be guidelines for each type of you all depending on what kind of mutation you have because some of your bodies reject or are vulnerable to certain things now. For the moment, that is all." He turned and trudged off the stage as make-shift waiters began to come around to the tables.

(Hey Water, two things. One, Jessie has the wings and tail of a Deadly Nadder, also the kind from the HTTYD movie. Two, if you want to make Namine pass out and start to fall backwards off the bench when she sees Dr. Conners' leg missing, I have something cool planned.

(Never mind my earlier post) Namine started hyperventilating when she saw Dr. Conners missing leg. She passed out and started to fall.

Raiana wasn't as affected, but she sat there disbelieving for a few seconds, then gently pulled the string, detatching it from wherever it had been.

Solana's eyes closed and she seemed to go into a minor state of shock, muttering, "So this is real..." and, "No! How is this possible?!"
(Never mind my earlier post) Namine started hyperventilating when she saw Dr. Conners missing leg. She passed out and started to fall.

Raiana wasn't as affected, but she sat there disbelieving for a few seconds, then gently pulled the string, detatching it from wherever it had been.

Solana's eyes closed and she seemed to go into a minor state of shock, muttering, "So this is real..." and, "No! How is this possible?!"
Dirk and Jessie both saw Namine begining to topple and acted as one with lightning speed. Knowing they wouldn't reach her with their arms, they tried something different. Dirk quickly unfolded his left wing and Jessie extended her right one. They both reached out behind Namine with their wings, forming a sort of cradle that caught the fainting girl and held her off the ground. They continued to hold her there like that, lying down horizontally in the wing cradle, bacuase they both knew that was the best possition for someone to regain conciousness. Jessie looked at Dirk, then gave him a thumb's up and said "Nice catch." I haven't seen your reflexes that fast since 8th grade!"
"Thanks," Dirk replied. Then he turned to Solana and said "Modern science, that's how this is possible. I have to admit, Dr. Conners is probably among the 5 most brilliant men in the world..." He winced in pain for a second, clutching his right leg, then said "Acch, D****t. When I get ahold of whoever attacked this place, there is going to be h*ll to pay." He moved his hands, revealing a line of several large holes in his pants. Each one had a bullet entry wound directly behind it, one of which had gone down to his femur. The rounds had since been removed and the wounds patched up, but they still hurt, clearly showed, and the scars would likely stay with him for the rest of his life.

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