Kindness of strangers

We all survive thanks to the kindness of strangers and are often not a position to pay them back. But I always remember my mum saying to me, 'Pass it on.' I have always tried to do this and it has always brought it's own rewards.
We're often encouraged to pass on every act of kindness to another three people, and that way everyone could have at least one kind deed pass their way every so often.
I often forget though. :lol: Although I suppose a lot of the time, kindness can be done without actually making a conscious effort :old You don't think about it at the time, but someone smiling and saying hi in the morning counts too. Where would we be without that friendly wave to start off our day?
I agree and even though it takes a conscious effort at first, it becomes easier and easier til you don't have to think about it anymore.
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You do slowly get used to being a friendly face. I never used to bother, but it's actually surprisingly cool, being the one new people talk to at first before they make friends. :p (And once in a while, one of them will actually stay in contact with me. :lol:)
I have been making it a point this year to increase my kind acts towards strangers! I have experienced first-hand how a kind act by a stranger can change the trajectory of ones mood for weeks even. A lot of my motivation has been inspired by an amazing documentary project I have had the great fortune to work on called American Bear. It simply a beautiful exploration of the kindness that strangers exhibit in this country. The couple who made the project went around the country for 60 days relying on the kindness of strangers for shelter each night and documented their experience. The insight that they shed
on this underexposed subject is so powerful! Check out the website here:
There is also a section on the site where you can submit your own stories:
You can also check out the facebook page here:
One of the kindest things that a stranger has done for me was when my fiance and I were driving on a big toll road in Illinois, headed back to Chicago. Anyway, we were pulling up to pay our toll and my fiance was about to hand the clerk the money when the clerk said that the car ahead of us had paid for us. We were so shocked (I know, it's not really a "big" thing) but no one in Chicago ever did that for us.

Another instance was when I was working for the city last summer, and a homeless man was coming towards me. Now, I wasn't alone so I wasn't scared or anything, I thought maybe he was going to ask for some money. But he didn't; he asked me if I had seen any cans or bottles that he could collect. Then he asked me how the night was going...and to make it short, I will always remember what he told me. "We just keep on chugging along.." I don't know; coming from a homeless man, that just really "spoke" to me. I hear it from other people but who knows what this man has been through.

I do not meet people like this all the time but when I do - wow, my perspective shifts.
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I have a friend who lives in NYC....he saves his quarters and puts them in his pocket every morning....on his way to work (he uses the subway most days) he hands a quarter or two to each "bum" his path crosses until he runs out of quarters. He always gets a smile from the reciepients....and when he runs out he still gets "have a nice day, maybe tomorrow?" from those he gives coins to regularly. He figures he gives out 10 - 12 dollars a week, 25 cents at a time, but the lift to his spirit knowing he is making a small difference in their lives makes him feel like a million bucks.

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