King County, Washington!

This is an old thread, but if anyone knows of a breeder with decent varieties of breeds near King County, I'd love to know about them. I've been searching all over for a place to get chicks that don't come from a major hatchery because I've got an issue with what happens to so many male chicks. If there's a way I can avoid supporting that I'd really like it.
What varieties are you attracted to?

There is Erhard Weihs (Kummer Poultry) in the Enumclaw/Black Diamond area. His website shows the main breeds he has, but a phone call would be more accurate.
It really depends on what breeds you are looking for. I know of several people the breed a couple of different breeds each. You could get a nice variety of chicks if you bought from a few different people. There are others that will hatch eggs for you if you ask them to.
I'm willing to buy from multiple sources, I just was having a hard time coordinating chick ages. I could do hatching eggs or chicks. I'm flexible on breeds, but my list is a sort of pyramid:
Barred Rocks
Black Marans or Welsummers
Speckled Sussex or Wyandotte or Swedish Flower
and then if I can't get breeds from those three sections my backup is Ameracaunas, Olive Eggers, or Australorps.
Any other suggestions are good. I can't have very many chickens at my place, so high egg production is important, and secondarily I also have a thing for colorful birds and a wide variety of egg shades. I have some reds and an Ameracauna.
I've checked out Kummer Poultry, and I like his bird's rarity and colors, but not their egg production.
I have full sized birds, not banties. Those two breeds of his are both the bantam sized ones, plus he only sells straight run chicks.
If youre worried about what happens to the roosters (eaten?) I imagine you might have a tough time finding a breeder that doesnt cull for quality? Maybe Im wrong? At least from a breeder you can hope things are more humane.
I know it's been a while since this thread has been active, but there's a surprisingly small amount of info on BYC about Baxter Barn and I wanted to share my experience. I purchased two pullets from them at the end of June (one month ago) to add to my flock of 4. I was so excited to buy birds from them as I had read mostly great things about them and they had so many types of chickens. As soon as I got my two new birds home I realized they were sick. They have coryza, a respiratory disease that can be treated, but they'll remain carriers for life and I'll most likely have to deal with treating and re-treating my whole flock for the rest of their lives. I think we're going to cull them this weekend. I'm so bummed. I was so hoping that it wouldn't come to this, I really was excited to go to Baxter barn and I REALLY wanted to love them but I just ended up so disappointed. Luckily we kept the new birds quarantined away from the rest of the flock, and I'm crossing my fingers we were diligent enough about it that they don't also come down with it. Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with those of you who might be considering getting birds there.

Just to add, I did let Cory know about it. He was apologetic and offered to give us medication (Tylan) that would treat the symptoms. But I just don't think I want to deal with having to give my chickens shots for the rest of their lives (plus coryza is really stinky!).
poppyflock, did Cory/Baxter Barn offer a refund? Very disconcerting to hear about your ordeal. Especially with coryza being so infectious, I would be nervous about sourcing other birds from that same location.

As it happens, I purchased two pullets at the end of June too from Portage Bay Grange. Typically I probably would have gone out to Baxter Barn instead but my wife wanted to go to breakfast at Portage Bay Cafe, so it was two birds one stone kind of situation (no pun intended). Anyway, maybe I got very lucky to avoid Baxter Barn this time!

Thanks for sharing.

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