Kosher Kings vs Red Ranger males vs Freedom Ranger Color Yield


Free Ranging
12 Years
Jul 28, 2008
I've raised Freedom Rangers in the past and have been happy with the results. Since then they have added new meat bird options. I was curious if anyone wanted to post their experiences with Kosher Kings, or Freedom Ranger's Red Ranger males or Color Yield hybrids.
I would be interested to know how they turn out. If you get a chance please post your thoughts on them.
We raised McMurray Red Rangers last summer and were very happy with the breed (our first meat birds). We butchered the roosters at ~13 weeks and the hens at ~15 weeks for weights between 5-8 pounds. We could have let the hens get bigger but it was November, we process outside, and I didn't want our hands to freeze. We lost one hen to unknown causes, not a mark on her and not acting sick beforehand. They processed easily (I strongly recommend a plucker to speed things up) and the meat has been delicious.
What's a color yield broiler? Is it another name for like a freedom ranger?
"The Color Yield Freedom Ranger is the standard RedBro female crossed with a faster growing Color Yield male. This cross produces a faster growing red broiler with white underlying feathers, which is nicer for processing. These birds should grow approximately 1 week faster to processing weight than the standard Freedom Rangers."
How do they compare with the dixie rainbow chickens? As you know the roo I have won't be breeding but will serve as dinner one day in the near future
"The Color Yield Freedom Ranger is the standard RedBro female crossed with a faster growing Color Yield male. This cross produces a faster growing red broiler with white underlying feathers, which is nicer for processing. These birds should grow approximately 1 week faster to processing weight than the standard Freedom Rangers."

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