LabMomma’s Flock


Dec 2, 2021
I’ve had chickens for about a year and have been on BYC for around 8 months. I decided it was time to post a thread all about my flock and what’s going on with them. I will start by introducing my chickens.
This is Disco. He is my year old Black Australorp Rooster. He is your stereotypical rooster who struts around showing himself off and loves his ladies. He is a very good rooster. He protects his ladies and will warn them when there is danger (and when he thinks there is even if there isn’t) he always makes sure his ladies get to eat before he does, and he is very good with people. He lets you pick him up and hold him and will just sit there in your arms and let you touch him all over and doesn’t even flinch.
This is Lila. I was told that she is an Olive Egger, but I don’t think that she actually is. She is about a year old. She is very friendly and lays creamy pinkish eggs. She gets along well with the other hens and will let you hold her and pet her.
This is Mable. She is a Blue Sapphire Gem.I’m not sure of her actual age, but I think she is between 18 months and 2 years old. She is a very sweet hen and makes the cutest noises imaginable. She is the lowest on the pecking order and gets bullied away from treats a lot of the time. I always have to make sure she gets her fair share.
This is Henny Penny (Penny for short). She is a Welbar (Welsummer x Barred Rock) She is between 18 months and 2 years old just like Mable. She is a very curious and bold little hen. She is probably the bravest hen in my flock. She is friendly but hates being held. She is pretty high on the pecking order and despite her being smaller than most of the other hens, she manages to keeps the other hens in line. She lays terracotta colored eggs with brown speckles on them. She went broody once before I got her and hatched out four chicks (of course all of them had to turn out as roosters) when I got her she came with her chicks who I ended up giving away last December.
The hen on the left is Petunia.She is with Penny in this picture. Petunia is a year old. She is an olive Egger and lays beautiful, large, dark green eggs. I got her and Lila at the same time and they are best buds. Petunia is one of the friendliest in my flock and let’s you hold and let her to your hearts content. She is a little lower on the pecking order but gets along very well with the other hens. She is a friend to Mable which is good since Mable gets bullied so much.
This is Juniper (June for short). She is a bit over a year old French Black Copper Maran. She lays beautiful dark brown speckled eggs. She is probably the highest in the pecking order and makes sure everyone knows it. She is my friendliest hen and will March right up to you and just sit there to let you pick her up. She will sit in your arms for as long as you like and let you pet for a very long time. She loves people and gets along fairly well with the other hens as long as they stay in check. June went broody back in April and hatched out 6 of the 8 eggs I gave her. She was a very good mom to them. Matter of fact, she is broody again and is currently sitting on 13 eggs. She is a feisty broody and does not like you getting near her.
This is Basil. She is a little over a year old French Black Copper Maran. She is very friendly and makes very cute noises. She gets along with all the hens and loves the company of chickens. She is best buds with everything and everyone.
Dawn is the hen on the right. She is with Basil in this pic. Dawn is a year old Black Australorp. She is a very beautiful hen. She lays pinkish eggs quite frequently. She is friendly and curious but does not like being held. I’m not entirely sure exactly where she is in the pecking order, but I think she is a little higher.
I unfortunately do not have a recent picture of Star, but here she is as a 12 week old pullet. Star is now around a year old. She is a black Australorp. Star is a little lower on the pecking order but gets along fairly well with all the other chickens. Star is curious and friendly but like Dawn, doesn’t like being held. Star is Disco’s favorite hen and thus has to wear a hen saddle so she doesn’t get completely torn up.
This is Henrietta (Henny for short). Henrietta was a French Black Copper Maran. She passed away from sickness a few weeks after I got her. She was sick in this picture. I was very very sad when Henny died. She was beautiful and such a friendly hen.
Last but certainly not least are the teenagers that Juniper had hatched out in April. They are now 12 weeks old. There are 3 pullets and 3 cockerals. They are pretty friendly and very fun to watch. They have not been named, so if you have any name suggestions, let me know. They’re very rambunctious little things.

Well, that is my flock. I will frequently give you all updates on them and on what is happening with them. I hope you enjoyed!

Back in January I ordered 8 chicks from Meyer Hatchery. They’re hatch date was July 11th, and they came today!😁 Picked them up at the post office this morning and they are all doing well. No DOA and they all seem to be happy and healthy. There are two black silkies, a sage gem, a green queen, a BBS Ameraucana (which appears to be blue), a white leghorn, a barred rock, and a buff laced polish. I have some names that I am debating on, but if you all have any name suggestions I’d love to hear them! They are all hens, except the silkies, those are straight run.
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Back in January I ordered 8 chicks from Meyer Hatchery. They’re hatch date was July 11th, and they came today!😁 Picked them up at the post office this morning and they are all doing well. No DOA and they all seem to be happy and healthy. There are two black silkies, a sage gem, a green queen, a BBS Ameraucana (which appears to be blue), a white leghorn, a barred rock, and a buff laced polish. I have some names that I am debating on, but if you all have any name suggestions I’d love to hear them! They are all hens, except the silkies, those are straight run.
😍 No one can resist the cuteness of a fluffy little chick 🐥 💛

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