Landowner Kills Dogs Killing chickens

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"Doesn't everyone say their chickens need to be in a secure area?" WAIT- I think what we are saying is that these dog owners need to have their DOGS in a secure area! Our chickens are not the ones going around killing the dogs here!
emotions have little or nothing to do with this issue. it is all about personal property rights. the chickens have a monetary value and the owner has the right to protect his investment. texas has some of the best property rights laws in the country. i believe, in texas, had the dogs owners been in the pen stealing the chickens, the chickens owners could have shot them also. in other words, don't let me catch you messin with my chicken.
In my town, I HAVE to have my birds in an enclosed area. I do.
Anyone with a dog, has to have their dog in an enclosed area also...
Then why the heck is Buddy trying to eat Obelisk???

Because the owner is too darned lazy to walk the dog, take it to a dog park or give it any other form of exercise...the family has 3 children that could do this, but they don't...
If they walk the dog, it's by letting him out and then an hour or so later drive up and down the street honking their horn...

I have talked to my ACO and he has said that any animal that is harrassing my livestock can be shot, and shot to kill...
I have informed my neighbour of this rule and that it will be carried out if Buddy goes after either of my pets again...

They don't need to know that I don't have a gun...
Great thread everyone.
Yes this subject can get emotional, but as long as it stays on topic and doesn't turn into a flame fest, it will remain open.

Thanks everyone!
I feel for both parties. But either he was an expert shot, or those dogs stood looking at him when he took them out. I could NEVER do that.

There is always a choice when it comes to taking a life. I love my chickens, I love my dogs, I love my goats, I love my rabbits. I could never take a life in cold blood, no matter what.
Kings calls said:
And you are going to walk up to a strange dog while it is in the process of killing your chickens and check it's dog tag!!!!! O.K.

YES, i will go up to any dog and check its collar, I do it often as I pick up strays all the time and take them to animal control who track down their owners. I have ways to grab them without being bitten.
I have also pulled a dog off my cat with success, yes I get bitten but we dont have rabies and I have wonderful long gloves for biters, I have a pet care business and am not afraid of them. However in saying this I understand lots of people wouldnt!
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Transplanted Texan, re your icon, I've been wondering since I saw it. Why do you want people to come get your telescope? Are you an astronomy buff? Mars is looking really gorgeous lately.
Well gosh darn! I haven't been on line for a while (snowball fighting) and heck, it looks like everyone actually agrees and CAN discuss a hot topic! I LIKE IT.....
I guess if I could grab the dog by the collar, I would have tied them to a fence in the front yard. When the owner saw them and came to get them, I would have reminded the owner that I DO have a right to protect my livestock with a gun.
If at all possible, I will give the dog owner a warning. I don't want to kill anything, but I will protect my property.
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