Landowner Kills Dogs Killing chickens

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Police are examining the e-mails, as some of the comments could be perceived as threatening. One e-mail writer claims that a “paw-it-forward” MySpace chain has been started.

“Your house will be googled and mapped and your phone number will be distributed, your police record is now public,” wrote Jeannie Oakley of Schenectady, N.Y. “So as you lay your heartless head on your pillow tonight, just know the list of supporters is growing every minute. Just know, Mr. Kubicek, you will never Rest In Peace.”

Hey folks, like some of you, this part of the report really bothered me. So I took a chance, looked up Ms. Oakley's number, and gave her a call.

She said that she has been friends with the dog's owners for more than a year. So she isn't just some random fruitloop with a vendetta. Also, the "paw-it-forward" has been a part of her Myspace page for a long time, it was NOT created to generate hostility against the Kubiceks.

She said that her email was broken up and twisted in the report to make it sound threatening, when it wasn't meant to be. I asked her to send me the enitre email. She did.

I was prepared to post it here to show that she had been misrepresented by the report, but having read it.... well it is threatening.

However, the part about the Kubicek's address and phone number being googeled, etc, etc, was meant to be FYI, not a threat. Their address, phone number, pictures and police records had already been posted when Jeannie sent the email, she was just making them aware of it.

So anyway, there's a little more info on the whole thing.​
MMJ, you are entitled to your opinion, even if it is obviously, greivously, and in every other way ENTIRELY wrong. Ain't America a great place?

If your dogs get out once, you have smart dogs. If your dogs keep getting out, then you are an irresponsilble pet owner. End of discussion.

And yes, your above quote is correct. The dog owners cared more about themselves than their neighbors.
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If your child got out of the house, and fell into a lake and drowned, you'd probably be mad at the lake.

Ouch! I don't agree with MMJ either but, wasn't this a bit harsh?
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some of ya'll people would starve to death if you were trying to make a living as professional ranchers. once an animal shows a tendency towards being a livestock destroying predator, that genetic trait is very unlikely to go away. that is why when a bobcat starts killing cattle, the good rancher will hire professional hunters to find the offending thing and kill it.

i made a living for a full year killing varmints. coyotees that were getting in chicken houses, ground hogs that were destroying turnip fields, crows that were eating corn faster than a farmer could plant it. my favorite was shooting rats in broiler houses between harvests. i left the house almost every morning with the intent and tools to kill predators and nuisance animals.

so you see the neighbors dog eating one of your chickens and you catch him and say bad dog. you call the neighbors and tell them thier dog has been unruly and to come get it. what does the dog do next time? he makes sure you are gone or asleep and he comes back for his tasty treat. it is called the food chain and a dog is higher on it than a chicken.

we are higher on the food chain than the dog so we protect our chickens because they are a source of food and income. we use fences and pens as our first line of defense. failing that we have to either build a better fence or take more drastic actions. when fences fail to work saying bad doggy does not counteract thousands of years of genetic predisposition.

this is real world stuff. the dog does not understand property lines, county codes, state law or the fact that you love your chickens. he wants a quarter fried with a side of mashed taters. some dogs have been trained by their masters to behave outside of this genetic programming. the ones that haven't probably won't ever change.

if you want to let them return over and over, call the cops over and over, loose chickens over and over, that is your prerogative. the story in question tends to prove my point. the dogs were back for their third deadly attack on the chickens. they had to defeat their own fence to escape, the chicken owners fence to gain access and had done this on multiple occasions. so you want it to happen a fourth and fifth time???? pretty soon the poor victims have no chickens and the dogs have to go hunting for other game and then someone else starts losing chickens.

in this circumstance, from how i read the story, this man had no other choice to stop the scenario from repeating. kill my chickens once, shame on you. kill my chickens twice, shame on me. kill my chickens three times and it is time to send some dogs on to the happy hunting ground. actually i will skip steps two and three and kill the bad doggy the first time. this is the real world not some perceived utopia where the lion and the lamb lie together in green pastures.
I have cats. All but two of them are 100% indoors.

I used to let two of them out into the fenced-in backyard with me, for supervised "outdoor time."

One of them, my Siamese, has taken to going over the fence the moment I let him out.

We tried putting him on a harness attached to a long lead, and then Mr. Stupidhead nearly hung himself trying to go over the fence.

Therefore, he doesn't go out anymore. I, as his owner, have taken RESPONSIBLITY and am now ensuring that my cat stays safe. He can't be trusted outside, so he no longer has outside privilages.

The other cat is too fat to go over the fence, so he still gets supervised outside time.

If a dog keeps getting out, it's either time to build a better fence, get a stronger chain, or start crating.
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