Landowner Kills Dogs Killing chickens

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Quote: too! Too bad I am snow bound!

"Here...chickie, chickie!"

As IF!
As much of an animal lover that I am: My land + My chickens = dead dogs!!!
I would expect the same if my dogs got loose and killed or injured my neighbors livestock.
In fact we have a neighbor that had a stray dropped off and it has stayed around. She does come over to our tractor barn and other areas. I have never shot at her, however we have been told by our neighbors that if she gets anywhere close to our chickens, we are to shoot her. By the way, this dog is not aggressive at all, but will not let anyone touch her. So she can't be caught and taken to the pound.

Is this in reference to my mixing up my Andalusian chick? LOL! I said I was sorry!
roll.png's all good! But, why did you think I was a girl, I wonder?
Quote: too! Too bad I am snow bound!

"Here...chickie, chickie!"

As IF!

We'll be snowed in by morning no doubt! Brrrrrrrrrrr our HIGH temp on Saturday is going to be 16! I can't see the chickens coming out the coop for longer than it takes to turn around and run back in! (sorry I know OT)
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Well, it snowed here ALL morning and my birds were growling at me to do something about it...NOW!

As if that's not bad enough we are expected to get more tonight, tomorrow and-oh lookey here-the next day!

At least they have the barn adjacent their coop to tromp and stretch their feet but do they thank me? NO! They want OUT THERE!

Don't get me started on how low it's going to be either...the high of a whopping 6 (SIX!) on Wednesday. :mad:

I want my mommy!!!
Got you beat! Our low on Sunday is TWO! LOL..... we have had snow since around noon today and its gonna keep on coming till Tuesday at least - you must be pretty close to me then Pagan - same storm I'm just a day or so away it seems.
(can you KEEP IT!? - PLEEEESE)
I didn’t explain (should have) that I think both parties made mistakes. I just think things could have and should have turned out better.

Sure we all have the RIGHT to kill a marauding dog, but is it really the RIGHT thing to do. I live in the wild west, but even here people occasionally take the time talk to each other about the problems they have with each other. This shoot first policy does little to help our cohabitation. Most of us don’t seem to be ranchers, but most of do seem to be neighbors. These weren’t just some random feral dogs. They had names, a home and people who were surprised they were gone.

Things could have been a lot better if the chicken owner simply tied up the dogs and called the owner. The dogs would be alive, fences would have been mended, the chicken owner would have been compensated for the lost chickens and the dog owners would have been aware of a training/behavior issue with their dogs. It's simple, talk to your neighbors!

Now, all there is dead chickens. Dead dogs. A soured relationship. A chicken coops with insufficient protection. An interesting debate on the forum.

LisaJean: Yep, I have some smart dogs (and some not so smart). Did a bunch of stuff to secure the yard and other stuff to get them to stay at home. It has been a year since the last breakout. You just never know if the dogs have plans for another escape. My dogs are working dogs in the sense that they are out all day to protect the chickens. They allow me to have happy little free range chickens and for me to slack off and avoid building a proper coop and yard. Never said I was perfect, but so far the system is working.

OK, now let’s all play nice …

the wife and i will likely spend Christmas in Estes Park. if you get over that way maybe we can have dinner at ed's cantina. we didn't get out there last winter and try to get there at least every other year.
Eeek! That's COLD! OK...OK, you win! NO! I don't want the storm! LOL! People here have been complaining how we NEED moisture and so this must make them happy. I like snow but...ugh!

I live like 20 miles South of the Nebraska border...the closest to me is Sidney, NE.
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