Landowner Kills Dogs Killing chickens

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Humm...that is CLOSE. Unfortunately, I already have plans for the weekend. Maybe I'll show up and crash your dinner party. LOL!
I feel badly for both sides. I would feel terrible if someone shot our dog and just as badly if he killed someone elses livestock or pets. That is the reason he is now cabled. The neighbors have a bazillion cats (usually numbering in the low 20's) , they obviously do not believe in spaying & neutering, anyway they proved to be too big a temptation for Raven to chase. He would take the shock from his underground electric fence to pursue whichever cat came around the fence to use their litterbox (aka my flowerbeds) or checking to see if they can sneak some of his food, but he would be scared to death of the shock to come back over it into our yard. They only feed their cats every 3rd day, less than that recently as they found out the other neighbors felt bad for them and feed them every day. I can't imagine feeling ok about someone else having to assume responsibility for my pets!
I think both parties messed up.

The dog owner said the dogs hadn't gotten out in awhile, but also had regular places they checked for their dogs. This means that the dogs regularly go out, they had places to go. A outdoor kennel on a concrete pad, or indoor crates would have eliminated the problem.

As for the chicken owner. It sound like they knew the dogs. If they weren't willing to kill for the first offense, they should have contacted the dog owners. Letting it go, and then killing the dogs without ever contacting a neighbor seems wrong to me.

I currently have an issue with the neighbors dog, and my fence. My neighbors have a new puppy, a six-month old papillion, who has gotten into our yard twice. My chickens normally free-range in my yard. They are in chickie jail (their run) until we fix the fence. When we replaced the fence a couple of years ago, we didn't replace about 20 feet where a very thorny climbing rose grows; the fence is now rotted, and the doggie is breaking in. Being responsible pet owners, my neighbors told me the dog had made a hole. We both blocked our sides, and are waiting for the weekend to fix it. In the mean time, my chickies are in the run and hate me. We both took action to solve the problem until we can fix the fence.

Just for the record, I may let the little cutie get my stupid EE. The chicks were out today, supervised, when Flash broke in. My son got the dog, and I bribed the chickens in, except for Yoga the EE. While my ds held the dog, his friend and I tried to catch Yoga. Dang but she is fast. She is my only unfriendly bird and hates to be touched. Finally I recruited my younger, quicker son and we got the rotten bugger. 15 or 20 minutes of chasing the flighty little so-and-so just so she could safely go back in chickie jail.
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Is this in reference to my mixing up my Andalusian chick? LOL! I said I was sorry!
roll.png's all good! But, why did you think I was a girl, I wonder?

Too much of your feminine side showing pedro!

maybe you need to type in a deeper voice!

I am a tree-hugger, but just like pickles, I am a tree hugger with common sense. Does anyone really believe that just because I am a tree hugger I would stand by and hug my tree while my dog or any dog for that matter hurt another living creature? Not gonna happen. I have enough COMMON SENSE to understand the value of life, and put that above everything else; even my love of trees and all nature.
My dogs are both kept in my fenced yard at all times, unless both I and the SO are walking with them and have them on leashes or otherwise under our direct control on our property; but guess what? Charlie the wonder wolfie? She's the smartest dog I've ever known and she's been known to outsmart me when it comes to staying in her own yard. It's for that reason I don't let her go outside the house by herself....even with our fenced yard. As if that wasn't enough protection, she also wears a glo-orange collar (with name, address, and phone numbers) to identify her as a pet, not a feral. If she still manages to outsmart me, despite my precautions, and finds her way down to the neighbor's commercial chicken houses I can only hope that they spot her before she gets near their chickens and call us. If not, if she starts destroying their chickens, then they have every right in the world to shoot her dead. Yes, I will grieve for her, this dog has been thru I can't tell you how much with me, but will I blame my neighbors for killing her? Again, not gonna happen.
So yes, I'm a tree hugger living in my own little utopia here on the farm. My dog (lion) does happen to lie down with my cat (lamb) and sometimes we get down there on the ground with them! These are the best times of my life and this utopia the best place in my life. You ought to try it sometime. Sure beats the heck outta walking around angry and on guard all the time.
And oh yeah, a P.S. This tree hugger sleeps with a 45 colt revolver on her headboard. My SO works nights, the nearest neighbor is not within shouting distance, and the things in this world that scare me the most don't walk around on four legs, they have two.
Bright Blessings to you ALL
I found the Myspace pages the dog's owners created for their dogs. On this one:

Note this paragraph:

I am survived by my daddy, Russell Harper and my mommy Tamela Harper. My love and partner Montana; grandparents; also Roscoe Harper who left this world the same time I did because of an individual who thought meaningless chickens were more important.

She sounds like a piece of work. Anything she doesn't care about is "meaningless." I let her have it.

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Wow, absolutely pothetic. No personal responsibility at all. I feel bad for her
losing her dogs but cmon.

My Husky Story:
I was 19 and stupid (versus 37 and stupid). I always wanted a Husky.
I go out and get a puppy while I was living in an apartment. I let the dog
out one day for reasons I'm too ashamed of to even mention. Well, the
beautiful Husky caught and killed a duck. I came home to $300 in fines stapled
to my door and an order to appear in court(Lived in Georgia at the time).
I promptly got rid of the dog. The breeder took it back thankfully. I went to
court and the judge was easy on me, maybe because he saw how bad I felt
and that I was genuinely sorry. I cringe when I look back and think what a completely
irresponsible idiot I was. It would have been so much easier to say "It's just a
meaningless duck" and play the victim. Actually, the poor duck was the victim.
I wasn't het up until I read the myspace entries. My god, worthless owners not worthless chickens. The news reports said that the chickens had all been killed in a 3-4 week period. Seems to me like those dogs got out pretty often. When I read the initial posting and the owners had said the dogs hadn't gotten out in a while, I was thinking a month or two, not once a week at least. Idiots!!!!
OK so there are some folks here that still wanna talk to someone like that and work it out. BS, Meaningless chickens huh! Well now she has meaningless dogs! The post I quoted by LittleChickenRacingTeam earlier said it all. There is always someone who has to be spoken to by hand! Thats if you live in reality!

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