Landowner Kills Dogs Killing chickens

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That's funny.
Michael is partially correct.
This flag was flown in a community in Texas called Gonzales.
In late September, 1835, Colonel Ugartechea, the commander of the Mexican garrison at San Antonio, sent a few men to Gonzales to recover a cannon that had been loaned to the town to fight off occasional Indian attacks. The citizens of Gonzales realized that the intent of the move was to disarm possible rebels, and so the request was denied.
Ugartechea then sent dragoons under Captain Francisco Castaneda to demand the cannon unconditionally. As word of the conflict spread, the Texan force grew to over 200 armed men and the town was fortified. The cannon was mounted on a wagon, and blacksmiths hammered iron scrap and chains inth the cannonballs.
Two ladies of the town, Cynthia Burns and Evaline DeWitt, painted a flag on cotton cloth, depicting the cannon, the lone star of Texas and a clear challenge to the enemy.
The Mexican troops moved north to ford the river and approach Gonzales. The Texans decided that they had to attack before Mexican reinforcements arrived. They crossed the river at dusk, formed their battle lines at night and surprised the Mexicans at dawn on October 2nd.
The battle that followed was brief; when the Texans opened fire, the Mexicans withdrew, abandoning their supplies. Stephen F. Austin joined the army as commander on October 10th, and the other Texans, under the command of James Collingsworth, took the Goliad the next day. On October 12th, the march on San Antonio began.
Thus began the war for Texas independence from Mexico.
I fly this flag at my house, along with the state flag of Texas.
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Thank you Texan. I love to learn history.

It really is one of the true sad things in the world to think about..... How many people that came before us lived their lives, with so many stories to share and tell..... All that you hear now is a roaring silence.
No problem Bubba.
I can't quit chuckling over the telescope thing.
I love history as well. To many people fail to learn from history. Kinda like the topic we are discussing on this thread.
It seems someone involved in this situation learned from his recent history, and the other party has failed to.
Cool - Very neat little history lesson.

On the dogs and chicken, well its honestly made me think a little more myself.
Our property is not fenced completely - we DO get dogs roaming around (saw a border collie run away the other day) anyhoo - we have told our children we will get a dog one day - now I know and will totally make sure our dog or dogs can't get out!!! So it might be a while till we're all fenced up - but that will help keep the other dogs OUT as well... I hope!
I'm madder than Obelisk getting a bath...I read some of the comments on her won't let me add a comment because I'm not one of her evah!!!
But I will most certainly email her about "meaninglessness" of chickens...I may even show pics of MY birds so she can see how meaningless they are....:thun
sorry that the dogs are dead, but so arent' the innocent birds who were in their yard and not roaming...
There were no pictures of them walking their dogs on their maybe they weren't even walking them...
A bored dog is one that gets into trouble...
Spotted.... its probably not worth your time to email them. In my opinion, people like that don't change their minds or thoughts on things, and you'll just get a snotty email reply. Let them just be...... to live in their own ignorance and save your sanity!
But it will make me feel better to give the "meaningless" chickens a voice...

Here's what I wrote to them:

I'm sorry that your dogs were killed, but the birds WERE NOT MEANINGLESS to their owners either. Chickens are prey animals. Dogs running loose are PREDATORS! And since YOUR dogs were running free, and the chickens were IN THEIR YARD where THEY belonged, it is YOUR fault that your dogs were killed as the predators that they were.

If you've ever gone outside to let your birds out in the morning and find a line of corpses because someone didn't do their job of keeping their dogs up, then you might know how a chicken person might feel.

Sure, a chicken may only cost a couple of bucks, but you can get attached to them as you feed and water them twice a day.
You learn their personalities, and what they like for treats and how they like to be petted. My two birds know their names and come when they're called. They know the words, "Treats", "Porch" and have learned what time my son comes home from school. One of my birds even paced back and forth in front of the door because he was late and she was worried.
People who raise chickens take as much care of their birds as people might their other furry pets. We take them to shows and get championship ribbons, like you'd get at dog or cat shows. We keep tabs on the breeding lines and know who has the best temperment, colours, egg colours, and feathering.

This issue is NOT Black and White. The birds' owners were well within their rights to defend their livestock. You were breaking the law by not having your place husky-proofed so that they could get out and get into mayhem. If they were running loose and got hit by a car, would you be suing the driver or the car company?
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You go, Crow!

I found a place to leave a comment on the subject and gave them my two cents on "meaningless chickens". Like you, it made me feel better.

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