Langshan Thread!!!

Can anyone confirm that this is a Langshan? It was my free "rare bird" from McMurry. I thought it was a rooster because the comb is so defined, but at 4 months old, I see no tail feathers and one of my other Hens turned out to be a Henry and has been very vocal this week while this one has not at all. Also, even though bigger than everyone else, it still get bossed around and its poor feet feather are always a temptation for plucking by the other chickens!
Can anyone confirm that this is a Langshan? It was my free "rare bird" from McMurry. I thought it was a rooster because the comb is so defined, but at 4 months old, I see no tail feathers and one of my other Hens turned out to be a Henry and has been very vocal this week while this one has not at all. Also, even though bigger than everyone else, it still get bossed around and its poor feet feather are always a temptation for plucking by the other chickens!
Looks like a hatchery (duh you said Murray McMurray) Langshan to me. Definitely a cockerel, and they're always slow to grow the tail feathers.

He's missing some of his tail from a dog attack :/
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How odd that I had to use Google to find this thread.  The search function wouldn't find it for me...weird.

Anyway, got some updated pics of Clyde.  They're not the best pics thanks to the cell phone, but I couldn't "not" take pics of him! /img/smilies/wink.png




Anyone else have any photos they'd like to share?

Just curious at what age do you think you can sex them? I have a bunch and would like a head count lol

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