large fowl brahma genetics ........ can anyone help me please ??

now i need to see what some of the letters mean"
lol................. i will read more into it ! i was thinking a blue roo with a dark girl and then crossing back all pullets to the same roo - their father ...... any suggestions ???????
Why would you inbreed them like that ?
If anything you should use 2nd cousins to set your look

Until you have the desired look you should never go past 15-20% anything Higher and you ruin the line with any chance of setting your look with in the next 5 generations .

remember this

any flaws in what you have will come up in many generations in the future . if you have any issues with your first cross try another hen if same issue try another male and then CULL HARD .

for the most part i think hey are beautiful i love my dark Brahmas wish i had room for more colors but i have to put my effort in what i have and bring them up to keep going next yr i will need 2 new roos ....................... this makes me sad but i am sure i will be able to work with someone or that is my hopes anyway , Tammy
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thanks for the reply, i know nothing about genetics as this subject is well over my head, it was a suggestion someone here in the uk made about crossing back his daughters , like i say, i know nothing . but am willing and trying to learn, i thought it would have been so much easier than this and stupidly i thought someone on here with more genetic knowledge than me would have said put a blue roo with a dark girl and hey presto..... obviously not ... lol
hi everyone,
i am trying to breed BSO brahma's and was wondering if anyone can help me with the genetics of which 2 colours of bramas i will need . i currently have quite a few different pure colours !
any help would be greatly appreciated !

What varieties do you own (or have access to) that could be used to cross? Do you have any BSO? Pictures of the birds that you own would be helpful. I need more information before I can give you any advise.
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i also have light columbian girl, 2 gold girls,red pyle girl and a buff columbian girl who is more of a deeper buff, she can be seen i the background of the lemon pyle pics

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