Late January Hatch?

Thanks!  Yes I read that also.  I don't think the egg was very promising but I will have something ready tomorrow when I candle.  I can't believe I only have a little over a week left.  It still feels like FOREVER!!!!  

I'm with you! Ours should hatch about the same time then. It is very hard waiting! Let's hope 7 days go by fast
I'm with you! Ours should hatch about the same time then. It is very hard waiting! Let's hope 7 days go by fast
I have to resist candling these the incubator................. right next to me..................... on my desk..................right over there ------------->
until my kids get home from school in 3 hours!!!! Then we get to do our 14 day candle and see where our sweet little babies are. We are all so excited to see them again! Then we only have to wait 4 days and then even fewer days. I gotta break it up cause if I say it could be 7-9 days that just seems like FOREVER!
I moved my eggs to the hatching tray and it sounded like they are ready to enter the world. Pray that the electric stays on or I may loose them.
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Candled on day 14. We have 18 eggs still in the game. We shipped in 12 silkie eggs and today we had our first clear. Our olive egger eggs have not been the best but the girl did say they were in the fridge before I got them. She did give me 12 and I only paid for 6. Either way I'm pretty excited for what we have left.


Here is one of the silkie eggs. Got a pretty vein there.


This baby was moving around a lot.


This was a quitter. I'm guessing 10 days maybe?


Here's a closers look at the baby. Any idea why it quit?
Candled today, Day 18
One, possibly two eggs still viable. Not sure what or if anything went wrong.
Quite upset about it. :( I suppose it is backup chicks for me in March when the local breeders start selling.
Candled today, Day 18
One, possibly two eggs still viable. Not sure what or if anything went wrong.
Quite upset about it.
I suppose it is backup chicks for me in March when the local breeders start selling.
How many did you originally set? What incubator are you using? What were your settings? Did you keep a record of temps and humidity every day? If you put that information on here then maybe someone could give you some pointers and you could try again? March is so far away and it only takes 21 days to hatch your own chicks.

Did you get your eggs locally? I did NOT go about it the right way and ordered 12 silkie eggs online. I paid like $35 for these eggs. I have gotten lucky so far that they seem to be doing well (as of day 14) but I still have a ways to go. What did your eggs look like at days 14? Were they good then. Everything I have read says that the whole thing is an learning experience. Hopefully you can learn on here and know what you can do different the next time. Sorry you aren't having a good incubation.

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