Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

Could be sun bleaching and not leakage, those are 2 different things... has he even molted yet? Also, how much space around his roost does he have? Looks like he might be roosting too close to a wall or something, his tail is very damaged... looks like more than fretting there...
Either block them into their nests, letting them out to eat, drink, poo and exercise once a day, or move them into their own secure areas... some can brood together well and some don't... better to avoid issues than wait for any to happen...[/quote]

I think His tail damage is my roo just holding his own. I have 2 other roosters that he always kicks their butt to show them he's boss. He roosts on a 2x4 that's about 5 foot up in the air. I don't think he molted yet. Hes only a little more then a year. If he did molt i didn't see it.

I just now saw the **** Lavenders eating their eggs. I grabbed the hens that are the broody egg eaters and put them in a coop that has only a hardware cloth for the bottom and its 4 feet off the ground. I'm hoping it will stop the broody stage, but will it break the egg eating cycle? I do not want to cull them as they are from my starter set and i paid alot for them. I guess i also need to put more calcium in the food?
Could be sun bleaching and not leakage, those are 2 different things... has he even molted yet? Also, how much space around his roost does he have? Looks like he might be roosting too close to a wall or something, his tail is very damaged... looks like more than fretting there...
Either block them into their nests, letting them out to eat, drink, poo and exercise once a day, or move them into their own secure areas... some can brood together well and some don't... better to avoid issues than wait for any to happen...

I think His tail damage is my roo just holding his own. I have 2 other roosters that he always kicks their butt to show them he's boss. He roosts on a 2x4 that's about 5 foot up in the air. I don't think he molted yet. Hes only a little more then a year. If he did molt i didn't see it.

I just now saw the **** Lavenders eating their eggs. I grabbed the hens that are the broody egg eaters and put them in a coop that has only a hardware cloth for the bottom and its 4 feet off the ground. I'm hoping it will stop the broody stage, but will it break the egg eating cycle? I do not want to cull them as they are from my starter set and i paid alot for them. I guess i also need to put more calcium in the food?[/quote]

The roost may be high up, but is he sleeping at the end of it? That's what I was asking, looks like his tail is being smooshed against a wall at night... seen others that looked same and that's what they were doing, even though they had plenty of space, they turned with their tails against the walls... no biggie, was just curious...

Egg eating is a whole different issue than broody breaking... and not always caused by calcium deficiency... sometimes an egg gets broke accidentally, but once they taste it they want more... search egg eating on the forum and you might find ideas, but I culled the only egg eater I ever had... be careful cuz they will teach others to eat eggs as well...
Egg eating is a whole different issue than broody breaking... and not always caused by calcium deficiency... sometimes an egg gets broke accidentally, but once they taste it they want more... search egg eating on the forum and you might find ideas, but I culled the only egg eater I ever had... be careful cuz they will teach others to eat eggs as well...

True ^^^ You are probably pretty handy and you might look into building nest boxes with wire bottom on a slant so eggs roll away from hen to a spot where she won't be able to get to them. That is probably the only way to save the hens and the eggs.

Once they discover how good the egg is . . . . .
I've spent the last few weeks reading through this thread in entirety during my free time. I finally finished it tonight.

I have pretty much wrapped up hatching for this season, except for a few hatches here and there. I am looking forward to the breeding plans that I have outlined for this color for next season. We are in the process of converting our 8 stall barn Into breeding pens and grow out pens. It has been quite a task, but we are halfway there. This color is one of my personal favorites, and I really enjoy working with it. Here are a few of my favorite photos from this past season! Looking forward to next year!







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I got my first egg from my lavender girls the other day :) I'm not sure if my roo is doing his job or not but every egg I get is being saved up to go in the bator, since it's running anyway lol :)
HAHA, I tried to do that, but I only got to about the 30th page then skipped to the last one....

Your birds are SO beautiful!

I thought I would never get done.
Now I don't know what I'll do during my free time! Lol. Thanks for the compliment on my birds. I enjoy working with them.

I have been gathering all the info that I can find on this color for the last couple of years, and I'm trying to condense it into a more simple, concise form.There is a lot of valuable info within all the different threads and forums, it's just a matter of weeding through it all!
The lavender/self blue color is not the easiest color to work with, but it is beautiful. It's one of my personal

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