Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

Quote: How to distinguish between Lavender & Bluehttp:// Quote: From the Dutch bantam book translated to english. Lavender vs Blue
I see and know the differences between those 2... my question is this...
Is there a difference between the color of these 2 birds?
Quote: How to distinguish between Lavender & Blue

Quote: From the Dutch bantam book translated to english.
Lavender vs Blue

I don't have a dog in this hunt, I'm trying to read and learn what I can, but that picture doesn't answer the question Ravyn asked. She asked did you have pictures comparing lavender and "self blue". That rooster is blue, not self blue. The way you post, and the way you make your arguments, I really expected something different from you...
I don't have a dog in this hunt, I'm trying to read and learn what I can, but that picture doesn't answer the question Ravyn asked. She asked did you have pictures comparing lavender and "self blue". That rooster is blue, not self blue. The way you post, and the way you make your arguments, I really expected something different from you...
You may have to go back a couple pages and read those posts to better understand the recent ones.
Post 2281 was my answer to "What is the difference between lavender and self blue".
Post 2286...I say "evenness of color is more important than shade".
Post 2296...I say "Yes, they are not just different genetically, but also phenotypically. If you put a lavender chicken next to a "genetically" self blue chicken you can see the difference in color." And note I even put quotes around "genetically", to be extra clear.
Post 2300...I quote someone that says "Then there is the trait of darker flecks or darker feathers in the blues, plus the sexual dimorphic traits".
I posted photos of a lavender and a blue for comparison, by request. Due to "sexual dimorphic traits" that blue male is very close to a "genetically" self blue cock/cockerel. It should have lacing as a Standard "blue", but since he doesn't he is about as self blue as one can get in a mature male. I know of some breeders that are working on creating real laced blues and have seen a few nice bantams, but for the most part they don't exist because many still outcross blacks and blues.
Please let me know what you expected.
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There is no such thing as a third type of blue as posted above as "a genetically self blue bird". They are either andalusian blue or lavender/self blue genetically. The lavender/self blue name is interchangeable.

People can try to pass off a poorly patterned andalusian blue as a self blue, but that does not make the bird anything more or less than what it is, an andalusian blue bird.
As someone said earlier, I also don't have a dog in this fight. I don't raise or breed lavender/self-blue, but I was instrumental in getting the package together to send to APA for the petition to accept self-blue as a new variety of Ameraucana.

As much as some would like to argue or obfuscate the facts, I can, without any hesitation, state that the petition was to get the color many call "lavender" accepted as a standard variety of Ameraucana. The ONLY reason the name "self-blue" was used, was because that was the only way to get them accepted, since the APA already had set a precedent with getting the "lavender" silkie and the "lavender" OEGB accepted, under the name of self-blue, and had unequivocally stated they would not accept a new title for the same color.

The color description used in the proposed standard is the accepted description for the lavender/self-blue color by the APA, and, until very recently, was the standard used by most of the lavender breeders in the US.

As also mentioned earlier, there are some that will try to pass off their poorly patterned blues as "self-blue" - just as there are those now that try to pass off EEs as Ameraucanas. Regardless of whether they succeed in their attempts or not, the bird will not breed true - just like an EE that may look like an Ameraucana will not breed true.

For those that are earnestly trying to learn more about the breed, and about this variety in particular, I applaud your search for answers. Keep asking.

For those that are answering those seekers of information, please try to be clear and concise in your answers.

Edited by Staff
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As it concerns the variety, I do have a dog in this fight, so to speak... but I am not affiliated with any club because I wanted to learn as much as I could on my own first, and making a decision while there has been so much controversy I preferred to wait and listen to all sides...

I had thought I was doing well in learning this breed and variety, I fully admit I have much more to learn and most likely always will... that does not bother me, that's called life...

What bothered me is that due to earlier posts I felt like I had missed something crucial and did not understand what I thought I did... I asked a simple question for clarity and I got a simple, clear and concise answer from one and then a very complicated and confusing answer from another... all I wanted to know is if the pics of the 2 birds I posted are genetically the same color... not what they may or may not be called...

I understand the frustration and confusion that is going on with the name of a color... I deal with it a lot in Call duck colors... here in the US we have a color called Silver which is equivalent to the Splash color in chickens, in the UK Silver is a totally different color... and we have Pastel which is called Apricot in the UK... it's frustrating to keep them straight as many people use different terms interchangeably no matter which country they are in as well...

I love this color variety, no matter the breed it is on... my Self Blue OEGB's mean just as much to me as my Lavender Ameraucanas... but when I talk with other OEGB breeders in the US, if I call them Lavender I will get a swift response of they are called Self Blue, period... so that is what I go with as it is what is accepted in the US...

Yes, it is confusing and frustrating... yes, it is difficult enough to get the basics of this breed and varity down... and yes, there is so much misinformation due to EE's, feed stores and most commercial hatcheries... it is counterproductive to add more confusion and obscurity to an already difficult situation...

I greatly appreciate all the answers I have received to my questions and the corrections made to my mistakes... I will continue to ask and weed through chaff to the meat... thank you...

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