Lavender Orpington project ....

Just was gifted a beautiful lavender orp 5 month old rooster from a local farm in Novato. I was so thrilled we a chance to get one of these big fluffy boys. Hers seemed clean, calm and healthy and yes super handsome. I might get a hen or two if she consents to selling me one or two. I don't know a lot about the breed but it does not take a trained eye to appreciate their good looks.
Well my lavenders have matured after 8 months. And to surprise i have 6 roosters and only 2 hens. They were supossedly sexd to be 1 to 7 hens. One hen is laying now. The rooster is in my previous post and the others looked like hens until they molted. Now ive got freaking roos running everywhere. Did they change thier minds?? Lol.
Any trades wanted? One roo for one hen, would like more lavendors but black austrolops would be nice too.
We are new to the chicken keeping world, but loving it. My question is this. We bought this lavendar orpington pullet 6 weeks ago ...were told that she was about a month from laying. After looking at the various pictures of lavendar orpingtons, I have noticed that the pics I've seen of other Lavendar's (and other chickens in general) showed pink combs or red combs. But ours is not pink, but gray just like the rest of her. Is this normal?

We are new to the chicken keeping world, but loving it. My question is this. We bought this lavendar orpington pullet 6 weeks ago ...were told that she was about a month from laying. After looking at the various pictures of lavendar orpingtons, I have noticed that the pics I've seen of other Lavendar's (and other chickens in general) showed pink combs or red combs. But ours is not pink, but gray just like the rest of her. Is this normal?

Im no authority but I havent seen this .My Los have red combs and so do all my other chickens but I guess anything is possible
Maybe you have a rarity! My hens white combs turned red when they were almost ready to lay.This one although grey.... isn't turning either Mine laid at 22 weeks. Do you know how old she is? To me she looks a little young yet but hard to tell in pics.. Love t ofind out what happens here in the coming months .
You're welcome! And thank you!

Yes, you are correct on the down colors of the chicks. Also, another factor in mottled Orps is their legs will be white, not slate or black like most black and Lavender birds have. My couple of adult mottled Lavs don't have super defined mottling (hopefully it will be after they molt), but they have white legs and lighter beaks. I hatched a lot of chicks (probably 150+) before I hatched a mottled from my Lavenders last year. I was quite surprised to find a pure yellow chick in the batch of Lavenders! It was a fluke thing that popped up, but I like the look, so I am working with it. I have some projects in the works once these are grown out...eventually Porcelain and even Chocolate Mottled Orps.
I have only one LO chick was born with the mottled gene out of only 5 eggs... Guess i was lucky.Havent had another from any of my hens even that one.
Her legs were pink now grown white
She was yellow with NO spots when a baby As she grew in feathers she had a mottled look but undefined then to gre yas she aged
Now 1 year has changed to the Lo grey with only one white spot on top of her head and the white legs.Light beak
One spot..... not sure that is "mottled" actually though LOL
I think she carries the gene but maybe isnt considered "mottled"
I wish I had a Lavender Orpington!!!!! What is their “Personality” and are they hardy in the winter?
Has anyone had experience with a hen (mine is a lavender orp) going down almost like a broken leg for no apparent reason? Today one of mine is in it's coop trying every now and then to walk on it but more often as not unable to get up. Is it to late for her? We had a very bad storm go through and whatever caused her problem happened then.
Someone told me that sometimes a roo will bite the hens neck and can paralyze it.
I had that happened also
Was after a storm I saw it ODD.
A roo Perfect... one day crippled the next. but was picked on all the time b y the alpha roo
Now it can only scoot along lower legs are paralized This has been 3 months ago at least.
. Hes normal other than that. no illness. Nobody else has come down sick in any way or died so don't think its mercks

Also they can pull a leg out of joint. I heard you can pull it and pop it back in but I find out more before you try .Maybe she did break her leg somehow Does the bone feel whole?
Look at this picture of pullets, maybe just maybe it is a girl after all. She shows non aggressive behavior at all. On the contrary, she is one of the sweetes chicks I have.
First pic of your 5 week old looks like a roo ... comb bigger The last pic looks like a hen light colored and smaller so ???In a couple weeks 7-8 its comb should turn pink if its a boy and stay white no big points if its a girl. I go by that myself but can be fooled The hens combs turn red when they are getting close to laying Stays white- ish before that GOOD LUCK!My roo almost grown.About 8 months old They get a lot larger taller comb than the hens
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No....I do not know her age....the breeder just told me she was about a month from laying. I was so new at that time, I didn't realize what questions to ask.

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