Lavender Orpington project ....

My babies are no longer babies. I bought some lavender orphington hatching eggs and my silkie hen hatched them. I ended up with 3 lavender pullets and a black lavender split 1/2 english roo. They've now outgrown their silkie mom.
I know there hasn't been any activity for a bit on this thread but thought I would try to get an answer to a question I have about a chicken we took, the owner is sure it is a male ( which is why we have it) but I am not for sure, It does look somewhat like a rooster with the comb and waddles but the feathering and tail just doesn't scream rooster... He/she is 5 months old.. Your input would be greatly appreciated, it doesn't matter either way to me, if a rooster he will replace our older Dominique Rooster, if female I'll be looking for a lav roo for her

she or he is the light greyish looking one in the middle... The owner told me it is a pure lavender Buff Orpington she got from a certified breeder.. Thought?

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