Lavender Orpington project ....

can someone tell me if there is a difference between a Black Orpington and an English Black Orpington?

ETA: I found my answer, thanks
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I just read about the Australorp chicken. it said that the Australorp is the Australian verson (so to speak) of the English Black Orpington.
my Q is: what do you think i would get if i bred my Australorp Rooster w/my Lavender Orpingtons? and my Buff Orpingtons?
would i get Black orpingtons? and other colors?
Quote: Originally Posted by CyndiD No, sorry I don't breed them. I have only 3 Lavs and 1 hatchery buff. Australorps are a popular breed. I would have got some but didn't find breeding quality. Here are a couple links to black orps for sale. I don't know if they ship and such. Both are in the US

I also haven't yet studied enough to know which traits are dominant when breeding. I know some will carry to the sons from the hens but not the daughters. So I can't be much help there. Seems like there is a genetics calculator that can help you out to know how many generations it will take to achieve your intended outcome.

For me, I would only breed from a breeder not hatchery. And I would also choose the English variety over American. But not everybody has the same goals. I want high quality in order to line breed a dual purpose chicken that will feed my family well for generations to come and be fun to have around. I just haven't found most hatchery birds to be very consistent in their traits or even conforming to standards very well. No judgement for those who do breed hatchery stock.

I did see a few more places when I googled black orps for sale. but these are a couple I passed on. Also, I know they were putting together an updated breeder page here on BYC. Don't know if they completed it yet though.

Hope you find what you are looking for!
I just read about the Australorp chicken. it said that the Australorp is the Australian verson (so to speak) of the English Black Orpington.
my Q is: what do you think i would get if i bred my Australorp Rooster w/my Lavender Orpingtons? and my Buff Orpingtons?
would i get Black orpingtons? and other colors?

Well if you bred buff Orpington over black Australorps you would get a crossbreed that looks like black buff.
Black buff:

If you were to breed lavender orp over black Australorp, you would get black split to lavender crossbreeds.
As you can see, the crosses of orpington over black Australorp is no different to orpington over orpington as the black gene is the same for both breeds. However, the result chickens are not Orpingtons. They are simply crossbreeds, no different to a Black leghorn over buff Aruacarna etc. Australorps are a completely different breed though they were developed from Orpingtons. If you would like to breed these orpington colours it's best to get your hands on some Black Orpingtons if you want pure orps. Otherwise, you could us the Australorps but it would take about 8 - 12 generations to completely breed out the Australorp.

Hope this helps.
I just read about the Australorp chicken. it said that the Australorp is the Australian verson (so to speak) of the English Black Orpington.
my Q is: what do you think i would get if i bred my Australorp Rooster w/my Lavender Orpingtons? and my Buff Orpingtons?
would i get Black orpingtons? and other colors?

This is a cockerel from an English buff orpington cock and a hatchery black australorp hen
My hatchery BO disappeared the other day with no signs of predation. Told my daughter to keep an eye out for her, and sure enough she showed up to eat in the middle of the day. She is brooding under my house right now! I cant see her or get to her so she doesn't have any food or water close by. And I have no ideal how many eggs she's sitting on or who's they are. She has been bred by my Lav Ameraucana. I wasn't planning on having chicks this late in the year and wasn't planning to have barn yard mixes either... But VERY excited to have my first broody!

That being said, I think both of my Lav Orps from the breeder are girls!
I wonder if I bred them to my Lav Am will I get Lav OE? Planning to eat the Am pretty soon, so probably won't do it. But fun to think about all the possibilities. I would think I would be able to tell by 10 weeks if the LO were gonna be boys.

Lavs and buffs are always so soft.
Though I haven't found Orps to be as friendly as many have claimed. I still enjoy them tons and the personalities seem to go through several phases. I guess with the maturing process.
My hatchery BO disappeared the other day with no signs of predation. Told my daughter to keep an eye out for her, and sure enough she showed up to eat in the middle of the day. She is brooding under my house right now! I cant see her or get to her so she doesn't have any food or water close by. And I have no ideal how many eggs she's sitting on or who's they are. She has been bred by my Lav Ameraucana. I wasn't planning on having chicks this late in the year and wasn't planning to have barn yard mixes either... But VERY excited to have my first broody!

That being said, I think both of my Lav Orps from the breeder are girls! :yesss:  I wonder if I bred them to my Lav Am will I get Lav OE? Planning to eat the Am pretty soon, so probably won't do it. But fun to think about all the possibilities. I would think I would be able to tell by 10 weeks if the LO were gonna be boys.

Lavs and buffs are always so soft. :love  Though I haven't found Orps to be as friendly as many have claimed. I still enjoy them tons and the personalities seem to go through several phases. I guess with the maturing process.

If you breed lav orp to your Am you'll just be getting mixbreeds unless you keep breeding back to lav am you'll eventually get more lav am. If you breed lav orp× lav am you can breed back to english black for english lav orps. But it'd be better to get lav orp×eng black orp for that. Also lav orp×lav am will get you lav easter eggers I'm guessing.

I've never had a mean orp! Well my hatchery buff cockerel is such a bully. He'll be dinner soon. But other than that all of my english orps are total sweethearts even my little american lav orp pullets are very sweet
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