Lavender Orpington project ....

I just hatched out some beautiful orpingtons - I think they are lavender. I bought the eggs from eBay and they came as "lavender and possibly black splits" - but all the hatchlings are pretty light so I think they're all lavender. They are just 6 days old and still fuzzy butts, but their little wing feathers and tail feathers are starting to come in. Here's some shots of them in the brooder. Excuse their odd color. They might look a little bluer then they should be because I thought it would be a smart thing to put blue food coloring in the water tray so I could easily see the water level - stupid mistake! Never once did it occur to me that they would end up blue colored because of that move. Even knowing the porousity of eggs - I still didn't put two and two together! UGH! Anyway, hoping the blue food coloring will disappear soon as they are so cute and I love the lavender color!

Oh and those other 3 are silkies.

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Ok guys, sorry it took so long but the weather here has not been conducive to picture taking and these chickens have refused to pose
I couldn't get good pics of some of the hens but this is a pretty representative group. These are supposed to be brothers and sisters of the lav roo that ended up being a blue.

I know the left one is a mottled hen...

Ignore the cukoo marans. They are headed for freezer camp!
What about the top right one with the darker head? I think there are two like that but couldn't get a good pic of the other one.



The other roo ...

What do you think?
cuckooformarans - The only blue I see is in the group shot bottom left, second bird up.

Bobbieschicks - do you have other pics. Because in that lighting, those babies look splash to me.
Unless the black is already "split" to lavender, all the chicks will be black splits themselves. You don't get blue.

The only way you get blue is splash to black or splash to lavender. Since the lavender "masks" the black gene, you are then breeding blue birds that carry one lavender gene.
I can try to get some better shots of them. Those are under the red lights and inside the blue brooder while having blue food coloring still on them. I'll give it a try tomorrow in better lighting. What does splash mean.
Ok, that is the one we had already established as a blue rooster with red leakage ... so maybe I'm good to go on the others then! Yay!
I'm wondering if the lady I bought the eggs from just accidentally included an egg from her bbs pen.

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