Lavender Orpington project ....

That's all exciting news Aveca! I hope you all do great and have fun at the shows. I may have to connect with you to take my lavenders to a show.
When I was moving and weighing my 12 week old lavs last night I noticed that all of them had green eyes. What color should they be or what color are we aiming for? In the SOP all of the other Orp varieties have dark brown or reddish bay eyes. The lighter varieties have reddish bay eyes.
Thanks for any input!
The young ones typically have bluish eye color like most young birds. I dont think ive ever seen green eyes. We are selecting for brown eyes. My current lav rooster and his hens have nice brown eyes, so hoping the youngins will have them too.
The young ones typically have bluish eye color like most young birds. I dont think ive ever seen green eyes. We are selecting for brown eyes. My current lav rooster and his hens have nice brown eyes, so hoping the youngins will have them too.
So, next year when I breed my Lavs to my blacks the splits should have the brown eyes and then that is what I'm hoping for when I breed those back? Correct? Just trying to make sure.
I may have already asked or it may have been posted, has anyone seen a difference in eye color, plumage coloring, or legs etc. if you have mated lav females to a black male vs. mating black females to lav males?
Yes, that is what we are doing, just continue to select for what you want. I haven't noticed a difference in breeding in either direction, as long as you're selecting the best birds to work towards your goal.
Yes, that is what we are doing, just continue to select for what you want. I haven't noticed a difference in breeding in either direction, as long as you're selecting the best birds to work towards your goal.
hinkjc, thanks for the advice.

We have our Blacks, Buffs, Whites and Self Blue/Lavs juveniles all running together in a grow out pen. As far as type, can not tell any difference. They all seem to have the same great Orp type.

Was wondering how close to the SOP type are most folks getting with their SB/Lavs?
How close to SOP?
This is my first batch of Lavs. and I'm impressed with their growth rate. They are only slightly behind my black Orps. of the same age. Along with the off eye color some of them also have very light black stripes, I would call it checking not barring as it is not consistent. The body type & shape is very Orp, and the leg color is good.
I've got a huge lav that's gone broody and she is sitting on 10 legbar and 10 quail eggs she seems to fit them under her easily :D. They will be hatching on Tuesday.

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