Lavender Orpington Thread

OMG! THEY ARE SO FLIPPIN CUTE! When I was a little baby my grandma had this HUGE Great Dane. I used to hold on to her tail and she would drag me a over the place! Sadly she died of a illness... everybody was sad
... But that was YEARS ago.
Thanks, and ya, they are cute. The floppy ear'd one is Ella, and she is very good friends with the little girl next door. She has known Ella since she was 3 and Ella would let her pry open her mouth and count her teeth. Ella would walk beside her up and down stairs, I can only think it was because Ella didnt' think she was big enough to go up and down on her own, and would allow the little girl to hold on to her back, scrunched hair and skin between her fingers until she reached the end of the stairs.
Her brother is Dylan. He looks big and intimidating, but he is afraid of everything and backs up with his tail between his legs to sit on my lap when he is afraid. They are both too funny.
OMG! THEY ARE SO FLIPPIN CUTE! When I was a little baby my grandma had this HUGE Great Dane. I used to hold on to her tail and she would drag me a over the place! Sadly she died of a illness... everybody was sad
... But that was YEARS ago.
So sorry your grandmas' died that way. It always sucks when they go but if they are sick it is more painful for those left behind.:(
So sorry your grandmas' died that way. It always sucks when they go but if they are sick it is more painful for those left behind.:(
Thanks... I was to young to realize what happened
...... GEEZE! I hate when I start thinking about this, it always makes me cry..

Thanks, and ya, they are cute. The floppy ear'd one is Ella, and she is very good friends with the little girl next door. She has known Ella since she was 3 and Ella would let her pry open her mouth and count her teeth. Ella would walk beside her up and down stairs, I can only think it was because Ella didnt' think she was big enough to go up and down on her own, and would allow the little girl to hold on to her back, scrunched hair and skin between her fingers until she reached the end of the stairs.
Her brother is Dylan. He looks big and intimidating, but he is afraid of everything and backs up with his tail between his legs to sit on my lap when he is afraid. They are both too funny

Ella sounds like a sweetie! And Dylan, he sounds like one BIG chicken if you ask me!
ooooo I am green with envy!! Very happy for you, too, though.
Only a matter of months now, before I get mine.... so I am living vicariously through you!!! Enjoy! And supply pictures!! lol!
HAHA! That made me laugh! Last week was really crazy! We had actually gotten this bigger dog to try out named Gypsy, but my dog Stella HATED her! Stella was about ready to kill her! So we ended up bringing her back! But that same night we found ourselves in a pet store looking at all the puppies! The pet store was willing to hold Bailey for us until 10:00! After we got Bailey we were not sure if we wanted to get the chicks, but before you know it, we are on our way to get four chicks!
WOW! This was a lot harder then it looks! It took me FOREVER to get pictures of the chicks. The camera would not focus. And the chicks were running to one end to the other! But at least I got some pictures!

Well, here they are. They are so cute! I will try getting better pictures tomorrow
I will attempt to take a picture of each individual chick and their names...
OrpieLover, those babies are so cute!!!!

I missed this thread but my little girl (3yo) was really sick for 3 days! Thankfully, she's much better now!

About 3 more weeks until I find a place for our Lavender Orpies to go outside next to our 9 other hens (2 RIRs, 4 Buff Orpies, 3 Isa Browns)....eventually we will integrate them, but for now I'm worried they'll not fare well with our two RIR hens. They are not so nice.

I'll go snap a few pics. They've grown SO much!

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