Lavender Orpington Thread

Here are some of the lav orp babies we hatched the other day. None have names yet lol :D ( There are other breeds in the pic as well.)

They are so adorable!!! I wish I had that many Lavender babies
Don't forget to name them... LOL
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OrpieLover, those babies are so cute!!!!

I missed this thread but my little girl (3yo) was really sick for 3 days! Thankfully, she's much better now!

About 3 more weeks until I find a place for our Lavender Orpies to go outside next to our 9 other hens (2 RIRs, 4 Buff Orpies, 3 Isa Browns)....eventually we will integrate them, but for now I'm worried they'll not fare well with our two RIR hens. They are not so nice.

I'll go snap a few pics. They've grown SO much!

I hope she feels better!

I'm pretty sure they will do just fine. I have some really mean hens who do not like ANY other chickens joining their flock! I think the only reason they act so mean to any new ones is because they did not have a rooster to sort whose boss and all.... The new ones that we got, Georgette and PittiPat are always hiding in the chicken coop so they don't get pecked! But when they get older I'm pretty sure that they will get used to them.

Yesterday I saw something not right at all! Lyla's face was swollen! And something was going on with PittiPats eye! Today I went out there and saw that Molly's eye was swollen shut! So today I have to go out there and clean their eyes with warm water and Epsom salt. And I have to clean their chicken coop real good
This is going to be a long day....

Hopefully I will fix this problem.
OKAY! Now I'm frustrated. I went outside to check on the chickens and couldn't help but notice that there was a broken egg on the ground of their chicken coop. I went in there and found Molly on the roost, both of her eyes were all swollen up and one of them were like glued shut! Lyla seems to be doing a lot better now, her swelling went down a bunch! She almost looks like a normal chicken! But I'm not sure if Molly is going to make it
she is soooooo weak! She can barley eat or drink or SEE! I feel so bad for her. I don't know what to do
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Oh no!!! I hope she will be ok?!?? Are thoes the ones you just picked up?
No, Molly was one of my first chickens! Almost a year ago was when I first started. I started off with four chickens named Henny Penny, Lacey, Molly, and Millie. Henny Penny was the first chickens that died, she died of old age. Then Lacey was killed by a coyote. Molly and Millie are the remaining ones... But PittiePat is one of the ones that I just got. The problem is that Lyla was the first one that started having symptoms of an eye infection... and I have had Lyla for a couple months now. So I know it was not a disease that one of the chickens had when I got them... I have done a lot of research and it keeps on saying that most likely the chicken is going to die... or to remove the chicken and bring it to a lab, but dont expect the chicken to come because they will end up killing the chicken to see what is going on... OR kill all of your chickens because they are all probably all infected, then start over!!!
I really dont know what to do next... Because Lyla is doing better, PittiPat is doing better, but Molly is getting worse! I think I might have to remove Molly for awhile and see if she does any better, then bring her back to the flock
Ok lets try to think of different stuff right now. I decided to take some pictures of the chicks tonight... I purposely did it at night because they might be a bit sleepier and I thought it would be easier for me to take some clear pictures. Boy was I wrong! They were still running all over the place! But I got some pictures... sorta

I think this is Madison... I KNOW this one is a boy!

Hard to say on this one...

Ok I think the black one is Patti-Cake and the splash is Madison I think

I believe this is Madison... I might be wrong...

This one is Willow! I think its a girl but its hard to say when they are so young

I will try getting some more tomorrow but I'm not making any promises...
Very nice!!! I was at tractor supply the other day and they have silver laced wyandotte chicks!! it takes all my strength not to buy every single one of them!! not that i want hatchery stock tho. But i want chicks so bad!!! I dont want to wait for my guys to start laying normaly, or for spring! I have chick fever so bad!!
Very nice!!! I was at tractor supply the other day and they have silver laced wyandotte chicks!! it takes all my strength not to buy every single one of them!! not that i want hatchery stock tho. But i want chicks so bad!!! I dont want to wait for my guys to start laying normaly, or for spring! I have chick fever so bad!!
LOL! I get chick fever every time I see a cute chick! I usually just sit there staring at the chicks at Wilco for maybe 10 or 15 min! I never get any of them because they are hatchery stock.

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