Lavender Orpington Thread

I'm so glad I found this thread! I am looking to get to know more about Lavenders. I've had buff Orpingtons for 12 weeks now, and I am loving them. I plan to add lavenders to my flock, but I need to know more about... well, just about everything.
My first of many questions is: What color do I get when crossing lavenders with buffs. Is this done, or should I have buffs and lavenders separated?

Thank you!
:frow I'm so glad I found this thread! I am looking to get to know more about Lavenders. I've had buff Orpingtons for 12 weeks now, and I am loving them. I plan to add lavenders to my flock, but I need to know more about... well, just about everything. 
My first of many questions is: What color do I get when crossing lavenders with buffs. Is this done, or should I have buffs and lavenders separated?
When crossing buffs to Lavs, you will get mostly black with buff color leaking through i believe.

Thank you!
Thanks, Coupe.
Funny thing is that 2 of my orpingtons have some black in some of their tail feathers. But then again I got them at a feed store.
Who knows what's bred into them.
We lost the first to hatch in the night. She was really weak. The second hatched and is here...hiding! The third is having a really rough time, not much progress. Our fingers are crossed for the little bug.
We lost the first to hatch in the night. She was really weak. The second hatched and is here...hiding! The third is having a really rough time, not much progress. Our fingers are crossed for the little bug.
Oh no! Sorry you lost her. This lil cutie needs a hug. Hope the rest go well.
Hi! I am new to Lavender Orpingtons but I am having so much fun raising them! They are soooo sweet and spoiled rotten :)


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