Lavender Orpington Thread

We have a freedom ranger meat bird that is clearly a rooster, but he is masquerading as a hen to keep him alive.
All the other meat birds were processed a month ago, but he's still out there. He even clucks instead of crowing haha.
And yes we are sure it is a rooster ;)

I also had a silkie rooster once that went broody. It was the strangest and cutest thing ever. But he did like to crow. Alot! So he had to get a new home :(

Funny pics!!!
Out of curiousity, how loud are your Lav Orp roosters compared to others?
We have one, but he's only 17 weeks and not crowing yet. I've been trying to sell him as a pair with his hen, but no takers.
If he gets too loud and I can't find him a home he's going to freezer camp, which I would hate to do since they're such beautiful birds!!!
They are pretty loud they have a loud and deep crow if that makes any sense. About the same as my Marans but deeper... The orp males are really sweet boys though..not skittish at all and if I sit down in a chair here they come thinking they are gonna sit on my lap and get petted lol.
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Our lav cockeral
Wow what a chunker! What have you been feeding that guy rotfl...I like him :)
We have a freedom ranger meat bird that is clearly a rooster, but he is masquerading as a hen to keep him alive.
All the other meat birds were processed a month ago, but he's still out there. He even clucks instead of crowing haha.
And yes we are sure it is a rooster ;)

I also had a silkie rooster once that went broody. It was the strangest and cutest thing ever. But he did like to crow. Alot! So he had to get a new home :(
My old lavender orp the father of the ones I have now (but he is now deceased), used to adopt every baby on the farm. It didn't matter if they were ducks, chicks, or kittens. They were HIS and he would let them get underneath him and cluck like a momma and find them treats.
Mine is very sweet too, but I'm making a point of not getting attached to him or holding him in case he does end up as dinner.
We live in city limits so no roosters for me :(
If I can't rehome him (which is hard since everyone else around here can't keep roosters) I'm not left with many options.
i went to a poultry show and i saw for the first time blue and lavender orpingtons and theyre absolutly gorgeus, so big and round and of course the color since im familiarized with the original buff and theyre nice but nothing special in my opinion so i have to have some of this chicks, at the moment i grab 2 lavenders theyre suppost to be roo and pullet but i would like to hear youre opinion and confirm if theyre pullet and roo the pullet is around 4 weeks and the roo 3 weeks
In this picture the suspect pullet is the closest one


Sleepy roo?

Even though the suspect pullet is a week or so older has a smaller combo and long tail
i went to a poultry show and i saw for the first time blue and lavender orpingtons and theyre absolutly gorgeus, so big and round and of course the color since im familiarized with the original buff and theyre nice but nothing special in my opinion so i have to have some of this chicks, at the moment i grab 2 lavenders theyre suppost to be roo and pullet but i would like to hear youre opinion and confirm if theyre pullet and roo the pullet is around 4 weeks and the roo 3 weeks
In this picture the suspect pullet is the closest one


Sleepy roo?

Even though the suspect pullet is a week or so older has a smaller combo and long tail

I only hatched lavender orpingtons once, but hatched 16 and sexed them by tail feathers with 100% accuracy. A week age difference at this point can make a difference in tail size. The comb on the latter is much bigger, so I would say without seeing their tails your guess is probably accurate.

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