Lavender Orpington Thread

So glad to see this forum for Lavender Orpingtons. I have Buff and am trying to find Lavender hens and Rooster but it has been a work in progress. Florida just doesn't seem to have breeders that sell them unless they are day old or eggs. I was wondering if anyone knew if the Temperament is about the same as the Buffs. My hens are wonderful. They are so calm as well as good layers. They are about five months old now. How about the Roosters? I have an Easter Egger and he has to be watched. He is doing his job protecting the hens for sure.

I'm not sure what part of Florida you are in; but I'm over in Lower Alabama just north of PCB. I have a Lavender Roo and he is such a doll. He let's me pick him up and pet him all the time. I do know of a couple people near by that often have Lavenders for sale. If I am close enough I don't mind helping connect you to them.
I appreciate the offer to help. I really wanted to get Lavenders in Florida if at all possible. Also wanted to know about the Rooster Temperament in the Lavender. My Orp hens are really sweet.
Thank you for the great news. I really like my Orpington hens. Introducing a rooster (Young one I hope) will be a challenge but it is good to hear they have a like temperament. Do they get along with other Roosters well also? I want to get a Buff Roo and a Lavender Roo and hens.
My roo, Frodo, is a very good boy. He is gentle with his ladies, calls warnings out when there is any danger (whether real or not
) lets me pick him up to pet him and show him off to my egg customers.

I think he is a great example of perfect temperament.

I only have one lavender orp so I don't have any other lavenders to compare him to.

I do have two buff Orp hens that are just as sweet and gentle.

but I also agree that different lines AND different ways of being brought up could change that. I do believe overall they are very comparable to the BO.

Hope that helps some.
I am trying to get Buff rooster and then a lavender rooster and 3 to 4 hens, not related to each other.
That is my goal anyway. I appreciate everyone's response to my question it's made me feel more at ease. I believe I found someone here in Florida that has lavender Orpingtons The only thing is he's only selling straight runs of I believe eight. So that means I'm going to have some left overs and I sure hope that I'm going to be able to sell them here. Not very many people know anything about Orpington chickens, let alone lavenders. Anyone know of any good breeders in Florida?
That doesn't seem like enough hens for two roos. That isn't really enough for just one roo. I'd suggest getting just ONE roo. I don't know any breeders in that region though. Sorry.
My roo only made it to 7 months old, but he was really sweet.
He would let you come over and pet him and wasn't aggressive or anything.
Gorgeous bird.
Unfortunately he had to go to freezer camp. I couldn't have any parts of that, had to put it all on DH. We live in town & can't keep roosters. He was crowing for about a month while we tried to find him a home, but no one around here can keep roosters so we were unsuccessful.
If I were able to keep roosters, I'd recommend a Lav Orp, at least from my limited experience.

Secondly, I have 2 7 month old Lav Orp girls left, why are they not laying??? I started getting little brown eggs a few weeks ago & thought for sure it was them. But it turns out it's my 4 month old Red Sex Link. I know they are one of the earlier breeds to lay, but the Lav Orps are my oldest I thought they'd be first.
Also, I have a BCM that hatched the same day as my Orps & she laid me 2 eggs the week of Christmas & I've never gotten anymore from her.
I have two Buff Oripingtons, three marans, one easter egger and one Rhode Island Red (Pet of mine). I am going to sell the Marans I think and get Orpingtons instead. No one in my area breeds them so I thought of giving it a go. I was going to separate the Buffs and others with a Buff Rooster and get a lavender rooster and four to five Lavender hens in a different place. If I wanted to incubate the lavender eggs I wouldn't know which is whose!!!LOL Otherwise I would just get a Lavender Roo and put him in with all. What do you all think?
My roo only made it to 7 months old, but he was really sweet.
He would let you come over and pet him and wasn't aggressive or anything.
Gorgeous bird.
Unfortunately he had to go to freezer camp. I couldn't have any parts of that, had to put it all on DH. We live in town & can't keep roosters. He was crowing for about a month while we tried to find him a home, but no one around here can keep roosters so we were unsuccessful.
If I were able to keep roosters, I'd recommend a Lav Orp, at least from my limited experience.

Secondly, I have 2 7 month old Lav Orp girls left, why are they not laying??? I started getting little brown eggs a few weeks ago & thought for sure it was them. But it turns out it's my 4 month old Red Sex Link. I know they are one of the earlier breeds to lay, but the Lav Orps are my oldest I thought they'd be first.
Also, I have a BCM that hatched the same day as my Orps & she laid me 2 eggs the week of Christmas & I've never gotten anymore from her.

sometimes they get huffy when you take their rooster away.. but otherwise give them time, and if no results start looking for things like worming and external parasites making them feel less than 100%.

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