Lavender Orpington Thread


The one with the dark comb is a blue Orpington and the one with the light comb is a lavender. My lavender has bits of yellow in her and the blue has bits of black. I got them from Meyer hatchery 3 weeks ago!
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i am interested to know why some of my lav orpington chicks are coming out yellow with patches of lavender. Not that many of them but some are. It must be something recessive showing up, can anyone enlighten me?
I ordered 6 Lavender Orpington eggs from Va., received 8. I live in PA. I set them last Sunday 11 am. I received them 11 am Saturday. Let them sit for 24 hours. After my hubby who loves me sooo much let me get a better incubator, we now have the Farm Inovators Pro series.
Today is day 7. Tonight my husband and I quickly candled the eggs for the first time, and 8 out of 8 all moving around like they are swimming!! Can you believe it? Alll 8 of them, shipped from VA..
What are my chances of all 8 hatching?
All of them were moving all over the place, it was about 9:30pm...
Can't wait , my first chicks ever to hatch. I love the L.O.

Here are Pekin Eggs. Out of 30 something only maybe 3 are developing.



6 out 8 of the LO
Do orpington eggs take a little longer to incubate than the medium sized breeds? My past hatches have always been on time with some pipping on day 20 & a popcorn-like flurry of hatching throughout day 21. Also, could shipped eggs take longer, or do they just have a lower hatch rate?
My orpingtons always take 22 day. Not sure why. I also have noticed that when you ship eggs that they can hatch 2-3 days late.
Does anyone know if wing "feather sexing" works on lavender orps?
I had 2 beauties hatch out of the 4 eggs I had shipped. I also got 2 black orps out of 3 eggs. Only one of the black chicks had what looks like female feather stubs. The other 3 were all even in length. I can't help but fall in love with these cuties, but we're not supposed to have roosters.
Update on my Lavender Orp Hatch Due May 4, 2014.
I had 8 shipped eggs , 8 were moving day 7, tonight day 14,
7 chicks with healthy veins!!!! Only one quitter and it seems early quitter. Maybe shortly after candled day 7.
My H and I were discussing maybe candling the next hatch 1 time on day 10, then on Lockdown day. Not sure if the candling had anything to do with it, maybe it was just a weaker chick.
I don't know but I do know that I am sooooooooooo
EGGcited for my hatch!!!
First hatch ever.
Well first hatch to make it to the final week.
My 3 duck hatches all failed. :(

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