Lavender Orpington Thread

Yay, I get to post to the Lavender Orpinnton thread!! For an early Mother's Day my wonderful, amazing husband got me 6 chicks. :)

It's been a crazy busy few weeks since then. My brother had built me a small coop/brooder (with poultry wire) and we lost 2 to a hawk. So we're down to 4. I'm trying not to keep any roos but I am suspecting at least one....
My daughter (3yo) just loves to help me with the "chickies" and we are having a blast so far. But of course there is still a full coop to build. I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures and looking forward to our continuing adventure in poultry!

Chicks now...approximately 3 weeks (?)

When we got them.
Love them the Lavenders are awesome and one of our favorite birds.
Thanks, I don't have any roosters, but I'll keep that in mind with the hens! There does seem to be a big difference in temperaments between the breeds I have. Our Golden Comets will let you hold them all day, but our 1 year old Golden Laced Wyandotte just started letting us pick her up without going completely ballistic.

And about not getting chicks before you get a coop, like YES. We got our first chicks last year and then raced to build them a coop while they got bigger every day! And since we got six pullets this year, we keep adding on to it. It looks like a big hot mess at this point. We are building a nicer, bigger coop out of a shed this summer. Definitely much less stress to have their coop set up before they come along!

Big hot mess.
That just cracked me up! Well I have a confession I did not learn my lesson. My son got three unexpected chicks from his teacher (which are now in a make shift hard as heck to move thing) in the garage, did I mention DH hates chickens in the garage.
that I attempt daily to move outside when it's nice. We had to move them out in the garage because we had to put Collette and Ricky's two chicks in the spare tub that the three were in. In the mean time we are "attempting" to make the horses run-in into a coop for Collette and Ricky so the three little ones can go in their small coop. Did I mention that DH is not really a handyman at all, but makes up for it by letting me do all these crazy things.
Oh, and I have 7 EE eggs in the incubator. I have chicken logistics problems, chicken math problems. which all leads to the house cleaning upkeep problems. Why didn't anybody tell me you can't just try a few little chicks.

Boy this thread is slow. I am wondering how all the other chicks are doing and if anyone has any idea of their sex yet? I know that it is early to tell, but boy these two are growing like weeds and I have a feeling Ricky has at least one son.
It is amazing the changes in even a week. I took some pictures of them today, not the best shots as they are all over the place and the weather was not nice so they are inside shots. It is also so amazing to see even their personalities change. It will be very interesting to see if we have one of each, as even from the start there were marked differences in their wing feathers, size of legs, and now the comb and beginning of waddles. Even their body size difference is big, Well, I sure hope everyone comes back and post some pictures. It would be nice to have some comparisons as I already have to get rid of the three chicks my son got, they are all cockerels.
(I forgot to add they are 4 weeks today.)
Hi everyone I am still working on my lavender orp project and my lavender split hens are finally almost grown out. But now I am needing to decrease the lavender roosters down to one from two. So question is which one should I keep. I started a thread asking peoples opinion would love more feed back.

I see that you got at least some answers to your question. I really think that it depends on what your going to do with them, and if your going to be a breeder/seller. Anyway, I am not up on the correct type, (just started with chickens) but I go for temperament all the way. We just had a Birthday party at our house complete with 8 kids ages 1-11, plus another 9 people and Collette and Ricky were out, Ricky spent the better part of the day laying next to the house watching it all. (We don't have a run yet.) Everyone got a kick out of him whenever he crowed. He was so GOOD with all the commotion around him, he never made a false move. Then again, for those who can't or won't (and there are many reasons to not free range) their chickens, well then that is a whole different ball game, but I would hope that a true breeder of any breed would not use a mean rooster just because it is of a correct standard.

Here is hoping everyone has a great day, and that this thread picks up.
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Two rooster I think you got there

Well, I don't like your answer but I appreciate your response.
I was actually thinking about you hoping you would respond, as I know you have a lot of Lavenders. By the way, do you have any recent shots of the lavender lace, I think that he/she is beautiful. Poor Jack, every chick he has ever gotten or claimed turns out we have to get rid of them. Oh, how we need some pullets! I ordered some hen aprons for Collette, they can't get here fast enough. Well, here's hoping your wrong
but after these EE eggs hatch next week,( praying for a good hatch) I better start collecting and rotating her eggs again for the incubator. BOO. NO EGGS for us. I sure wish she would go broody, funny when you don't want her to be she is (twice now) and then when you want her to she isn't. I hope you have a great day, and I still hope your wrong.

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