Lavender Orpington Thread

Here are some updated pictures of my lavender orpington. I don't se and point in hoping this is a pullet, am I right? Or am I being too quick to judge?

Where did your Lavender come from?
I love the face on this Rooster and the nice dark beak..

Thanks. Both of my Lav Orps have dark beaks & legs. I bought them as eggs & had them shipped. I ordered a mix of breeds & could only afford 4 of the lav orp eggs. 2 hatched & I got one of each gender. I was going to sell the male, but I decided to keep him around until he give me a reason to get rid of him. He's quiet, gentle, & doesn't mate the hens bald. So far, he's still here. I think his intimidating appearance is enough to keep the hawks away.

Here's my female. She's wonderful in every way. A real lap chicken & does some tricks. She's still growing & not laying yet.


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