Lavender Orpington Thread

Mine are between 15-16 weeks old, and I hatched them. They are still alot more skittish than any of my others. I have golden comets that follow me around like puppies. A couple of the LOs are not as skittish... 3 cockerels and 7 hens, the males have been nicer, but they are maturing now (hilarious learning to crow!) and have gotten a bit more standoffish, but just a couple of the girls are friendly.
I'd like to know others experience too.
o have several lav orps. All are very friendly, one is a lap girl. My first ones came from different sources and were different ages when I got them and all are pretty much the same. My lap baby is one of mine that I hatched out.
Hi, I just posted this is the gender thread but thought I'd look here too. I'm new to Orpingtons, they are absolutely beautfil!
Here are my two, one Lavendar and one jubilee. They are both 20 ish wks old. Jubilee is about 1 wk older than Wingsparrow (the Lavendar). I'm worried she is a he.

What do you think?


sure look like pullets.
I am also new to Opringtons. This is three of our 4 pullets. They seem pretty docile right now. I am guessing they are 16-17 weeks.
What a gorgeous picture! I love their fluffy little butts! If you don't mind me asking, what line are they from?
To be honest with you I am not sure? We recently purchased them from a local breeder. Apparently he has been breeding them for years. He told us they are English Orps. I am totally new to this. How would I find out the line?
To be honest with you I am not sure? We recently purchased them from a local breeder. Apparently he has been breeding them for years. He told us they are English Orps. I am totally new to this. How would I find out the line?

You just have to ask the person you got them from and take their word for it lol the only way to know for sure is to buy directly from an importer of the English varieties but that costs big bucks lol. Your birds are beautiful, certainly better bred than average run of the mill Lav orps. I would love to see more pics of them!
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