Lavender Orpington Thread

Too cute to be legal. Makes me want to find some LO girls for Stupid Larry, as I've come to call him. Poor boy. He is turning handsomer every day and his voice is changing but the poor thing is the bottom rooster and shy. He hasn't crowed yet. Doesn't try to court any of the hens although I've thrown them treats and watched him defer to the hens. One little Welsummer hen that has been his best buddy has started to chase him away from her as she starts to mature. Makes me feel sorry for the poor boy.

Will his hormones overpower his lowly ranking eventually.....I hope? I'd really like to get some cross breed chicks from this beautiful rooster.
I just picked up my first Lavender Orp. chicks. They breeder didn't give me definite ages but 2 weeks to 4 days was the range. I am hoping to have lots of hens as I've lost a few to predators and sickness.

Second largest chick non clue on age

Larger chick and the sweetest. No clue how to sex these but this one screamed roo until I researched this breed and now hoping maybe the early feathers scream pullet

The gang after I brought them home 6 days ago.

So cute
I'm incubating 16 LO eggs that I just candled and nothing looks promising. So happy to see your pictures.
those little lav babes are sooooocute!
The photo is blurry on the older one but he looks very boyish. And yes usually with these birds the female will feather faster especially in the tail area.

Larger chick and the sweetest. No clue how to sex these but this one screamed roo until I researched this breed and now hoping maybe the early feathers scream pullet
These pics look much more pullet like. Its always easier when you have a bunch the same age to compare crowns etc. I guess its a wait and see on this one :rolleyes:
I'd say pullet also. The little one with the tail though....that one would keep me guessing. Plumage says one thing but that upright and alert stance says cockerel to me when you compare it to the picture just under him/her.
See that one confuses me. This is her/his usual stance.

Mine used to stand fluffed too. I kept wondering was warm out there. She is older now, and doesn't do that anymore. I need to get another photo of her, you guys were right..she is a she. :)
Our first LO's are here
Of 16 shipped, 3 made it to lock down. Two hatched yesterday and one DIS. First hatch had gotten its leg stuck to shell. After I freed it I noticed curled toes
Hence the booty on one. Putting more LO and some Jubilee's in the bator tonight


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