LAVENDER Split LF Ameraucana 6+


Obsessed with Peafowl
12 Years
Dec 22, 2009
Northwest Ohio
Up for sale we have 6+ Large Fowl Lavender Split Black Ameraucana eggs.
The girls have been laying good and everything they have laid is doing GREAT in the bator...due on Christmas
I will ship on Wednesday 12-15, 6+ any and ALL extras laid by then.

NPIP 31-468

All the hens are perfect and have NO FLAWS!!!! ONLY THE BEST STOCK!!!!



The Roo is PERFECT also. He is covering the hens above

My Lavender Roo. He is covering the black hens

I have the roos switched right now to continue to get the size up on the lavender hens.
All my roos grow to full size, but the hens are still alittle small.

You know the risks you take when buying shipped eggs. Due to variations in incubators, hatching practices, the Post Office, and other variables I cannot guarantee the hatch rate. All eggs will be clean, unwashed, fertile, and no older than 48 hours when shipped!!!

If your interested in pure lavender eggs, PLEASE PM me for info!!!

Thanks and GOOD LUCK!!
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What's the lineage on your flock please? Thanks in advance and have a blessed day...Nancy
John Blehm is who got me started with the Lavenders

I also have Black birds from Cree, Whitmore, and Pips&Peeps.
Your lavendar rooster seems to have some brown in his feathering or is that something else? We have a wonderfuly lavendar LF ameraucana rooster , Sharkey line and I really am looking for full blooded eggs....Do you know when you might have some of those,,,,Please pm me if you like. Thanks again! Nancy
He is Black....all chicks will be black split lavender...when breed together you will get blacks and lavenders

He has no brown in him, could be lighting. He is actually the one of the 2 roosters John used this year in his lavender program, so if you got chicks from John this could be he father of your chicks. I drove up and got him in june.

Should have pure lavenders in the next month or so......I need to get more splits hatched but the sportsman is packed!!! so these need sold

Edited to add: The pics of the lavender rooster are from a month or so back when he was still in molt...his tail feathers arnt all in yet.
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I'm a bit confused, it says lavender splits and I see pictures of lav roos and hens, as well as a black roo, so what color is the roo over the flock or is there more then one and what color are the hens?
The current eggs are from the lavender hens pictured and the black roo is covering them.
The lav hens in the pic with the lav roo are the same hens.

My Lavender roo is currently covering my black hens and they are just starting to lay, so they are not being sold!!!
Any plans to release the pure lavendar amaeraucanas? Or a wait list I could be on? Thanks and have a blessed day. Nancy
Pure Lavender eggs will be in Janurary...towards the end.
Waiting list is started...PM to join in!!!

Here is a pic of 2 eggs just collected. The are the ones on the left....beautiful BLUE eggs. Top right is a barred rock light brown egg, and under that is my first silver (ameraucana) that turned out to be an EE....she still gives me an egg now and then but there green eggs.
Eggs are shown on a green egg tray to show the blueness

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