Laying yolk sometimes, whites dripping out???


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 17, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
I've been trying to figure out what is wrong with one of my hens for a couple months now, but couldn't put the pieces together until this morning. I have a chicken who got flystrike in the fall because she was all messy in her bottom. When I got the flystrike cleared up, I realized she got flystrike in the first place because she was pooping a combination of runny yellow (yolk) and clear white (whites) fluid. I think what is happening is that she isn't forming any shells and the eggs are just running out of her. In the last couple weeks, I've found a couple yolks in the nesting boxes. Today I noticed that she has clear icicles hanging off her bottom, big ones. (It's been really cold here the last few days.) So what I think is that the icicles are from the whites which confirms my suspicions. And she's probably the one laying the yolks. Whether or not she always lays yolks, or if they still drip out of her, I don't know. The other chickens could be eating them when she lays them whole.

Has anyone seen anything like this before? Aside from this she acts perfectly normal. She is NOT walking like a penguin (I've seen that before.) She doesn't look listless or sick in any other way. If I can't find an answer, I'll have to cull her. I can get rid of the icicles but I can't keep the whites from dripping out of her and as soon as the flies hatch she'll just get flystrike again. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. I really hate killing any animal, let alone one that seems fine in every other way. Thanks,

It might be best to cull her. Eventually a bacterial infection will set in creating more problems as well as attracting flies once the weather warms up.
You could try giving her oral calcium and see if that helps her make shells. I use 23% calcium gluconate at 50mg per pound (0.2ml per pound) once or twice a day until shell problem is resolved, which is usually withing 3-5 days.

This is a picture of what I use and you can find it in the cattle section of Tractor Supply. Keep refrigerated after opening. Picture:

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I seem to have the same problem. My hen must have laid some shell less egg because it was dripping icicle from the roosting bar and also frozen to her butt. I took her inside soaked her butt and blow dried her because I live in upstate NY and it has been really cold here.She has never laid an egg yet so this would be her first egg.
She looks less active but did eat some yogurt Any ideas?
Hi Kathy, is this the same thing because it's all my TS carries:

It seems to be an injectable, but if it's the correct thing you're saying to give it to her by mouth?

Have you ever had this happen with one of your chickens?

Thanks so much for your help!

That's exactly what I give, and I give it orally. I haven't had many with the dripping egg, but I have had quite a few with shell-less or thin shelled eggs that I use it on. It can also be used if you have an egg bound hen. :D One could also use human calcium pills, but most also have D3, which is a fat soluble vitamin and I don't know how much D chickens can have. Tums can also be used, but they're quite big and giving and accurate dose can be tricky. Not that it needs to be accurate, but I'm just a little OCD that way.

Thanks, Kathy!! I got the solution at TS and gave her the first dose this morning. Will let you know what happens.

@queenoftheroost I would take Kathy's suggestion above. Since your hen also sounds a bit lethargic, you could try giving her some of the suggestions this thread lists for sick hens to build her up:

Let us know how she does.


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