Lazy Peachick

Your bird is very sick. It is probably dehydrated, and ill from whatever is causing this. Either one could kill your bird.

We are thinking that what would be safe and perhaps easier for you since you have not given injections is this:

1) Right now, give the bird 0.4 ml (NOT THE 0.5 ML THAT i SAID EARLIER) GIVE 0.4 ML of the Baytril to the bird orally.

Wait 1/2 hour, then give the first dose of fluids. I will write the instructions for that in the next post.
That is the dose of the Baytril 100, the 10% injectable solution. You will give 0.4 ml orally, by mouth right away.
For tubing fluids, it will be best if you have something like Pedialyte or Gatorade. I do not know what brands you have in Kuwait. If you have something like a sports drink or electrolyte replenishing drink (but not one of those caffeine drinks!!), that will work.

Otherwise, you can use 1/2 tsp of sugar or corn syrup, dissolve it in 60 ml of water.

Please warm the fluids to 100F (37.5 C) so that you do not shock the bird. You want them to be at body temperature, not hotter not colder.

Please wait 1/2 hour after giving the antibiotic so the bird does not vomit it up. Then we are going to start with a smaller volume of fluids and repeat more frequently, again, so the bird does not vomit it up.

After you have waited 1/2 hour, tube 30 ml of the warm fluids into the bird.

Then, after you have tubed the first 30 ml, wait one hour to allow the fluids to be absorbed. (I am hoping the bird will start perking up once it is receiving fluids

After you have waited the one hour, give a second round of 30 ml of the warmed fluids.

In all, you will give 120 ml of warm fluids broken up into 4 rounds with an hour interval between each round.

Then we can figure out what to do next. I think it will involve tubing baby food and more fluids, but for right now, let's see if we can keep the bird alive with the rehydration and baytril
Would be best to have the sick bird where it's 27c to 30c. Sick birds do much better when they are warm.


I don't know how warm it is outside there in Kuwait right now. If it is not 27 - 30 C, the bird should come inside or be someplace where he can be kept warm until he recovers.
Othman, are you still following? I hope I have not been too confusing. I have to go out and take care of my birds right now, but I will come back in a little bit.
I am going to run a little against the grain here. I would have started on the Metronidazole as the antibiotic. Baytril is a fantastic drug and will shut down most run of the mill type bacteria and is great on the respiratory side but it is much more likely given the length of sickness that a parasitic infection is ongoing. And while you can give Metronidazole as a pill orally, it should really be crushed and mixed with water especially in this case.
I am going to run a little against the grain here. I would have started on the Metronidazole as the antibiotic. Baytril is a fantastic drug and will shut down most run of the mill type bacteria and is great on the respiratory side but it is much more likely given the length of sickness that a parasitic infection is ongoing. And while you can give Metronidazole as a pill orally, it should really be crushed and mixed with water especially in this case.

The bird is already getting metronidazole. Now what? He can certainly start crushing it, but the bird is getting worse, fast.

Edited to add: see post #192, has been on metronidazole for 2 days... also the sulfadimethoxine for 4 days.
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