Leghorn hen x Ameraucana roo will straight combed offspring lay colored eggs??

Hi all!
We hatched out eggs from a White Leghorn hen bred with an Ameraucana (not easter egger, not Americana) roo. The resulting offspring look like a White Leghorn with sporadic and random black splashes scattered here n' there. There is ONE girl offspring with a pea comb, the rest all have straight combs (and light legs/feet). Firstly, if you have experience with this cross, might you share pics of yours? 2ndly, for those of you with this cross, do any of your straight combed hens lay colored eggs? Or do I have a legion of white egg layers? I got the Ameraucana cross in hopes of having a colorful egg basket. This hatch also resulted in an EE hen x Ameraucana roo cross; a little pea comb, strawberry blonde...boy ((sigh)). So, yeah, I guess I'm just hoping at least one or two of you can give me some hope that not all of my eggs will absolutely, neccessarily be white. Thank you all.
In my experience all my pea combs lay green, blue or olive, and all my straight combed hens lay, white, brown, or cream. My crosses are peakin x araucana and this is true to all of them. I have 3 leghorn x araucana but they all have pea combs and lay blue to olive eggs
In my experience all my pea combs lay green, blue or olive, and all my straight combed hens lay, white, brown, or cream. My crosses are peakin x araucana and this is true to all of them. I have 3 leghorn x araucana but they all have pea combs and lay blue to olive eggs
Thank you
I crossed my EE rooster with my rir hens and got quite a mixed bag. Some had straight combs and some had pea combs. I kept 3 pullets from that cross. One girl looks very similar to the rir’s just lighter with straight comb. She lays light green eggs. Kind of olive colored. The other two that I kept are kind of twins. White with tan speckles. One has a pea comb and one a straight comb. It’s pretty cute, they both have poofy faces. They BOTH lay olive green eggs.
I crossed my EE rooster with my rir hens and got quite a mixed bag. Some had straight combs and some had pea combs. I kept 3 pullets from that cross. One girl looks very similar to the rir’s just lighter with straight comb. She lays light green eggs. Kind of olive colored. The other two that I kept are kind of twins. White with tan speckles. One has a pea comb and one a straight comb. It’s pretty cute, they both have poofy faces. They BOTH lay olive green eggs. View attachment 3493074View attachment 3493076View attachment 3493078View attachment 3493079
The Easter eggers on the left of them in the last picture are the other two that I kept and they layed the blue eggs in the egg picture. They are EExEE
Straight comb or pea comb has no bearing on egg color. :]
There actually is a link between pea comb and blue eggs, and while it wouldn’t normally apply in this situation (since purebred ameraucanas usually have two copies of the blue egg shell gene), it sounds like this ameraucana may be a cross, so could be impure for the blue egg shell gene. Here’s a post by @nicalandia that talks about the pea comb/blue egg shell link:
There actually is a link between pea comb and blue eggs, and while it wouldn’t normally apply in this situation (since purebred ameraucanas usually have two copies of the blue egg shell gene), it sounds like this ameraucana may be a cross, so could be impure for the blue egg shell gene. Here’s a post by @nicalandia that talks about the pea comb/blue egg shell link:
Cool, thanks.

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