Leghorn Thread

thanks for the help. I took the picture myself and the legs are definitely gray. I live in Spain, does that affect the chicken's breed? Thanks.

Spain also has leghorns with yellow legs. Europe Leghorns usually have bigger combs than U.S Leghorns.

Those legs though......

I have dark brown leghorns, and it is hard to get good yellow legs on them...but they are never GREY.

Yours looks like a light brown leghorn except for those legs.......... I would maybe try to see what other breeds come in that color but with gray legs? Bit of a puzzle there.
The legs on my Brown Leghorns are more yellow but I have seen pictures of some with more grayish looking legs. It is probably the feed I give mine because at a poultry for another breed I was marked off for the legs on a bird I was showing not being yellow enough so I have changed mostly their diet and now the legs of my birds are more yellow.
Healthy looking birds! We feed them corn. I also have other breeds which also have gray legs and they get fed the same thing. What do u feed them? Thanks :)
Spain also has leghorns with yellow legs. Europe Leghorns usually have bigger combs than U.S Leghorns.

Those legs though......

I have dark brown leghorns, and it is hard to get good yellow legs on them...but they are never GREY.

Yours looks like a light brown leghorn except for those legs.......... I would maybe try to see what other breeds come in that color but with gray legs? Bit of a puzzle there.
People have also suggested that she could be a penedesenca, but she lays white eggs, not brown like penedesencas. How about a Red-breasted rosecomb bantam? It would be unlikely but what else could it be? Thanks.
Also the tail feathers look more like a penedesenca's, but the fact that she lays white eggs means she can't be one, right?

White eggs cuts out all of the brown egg laying birds....yep.

She can't be a rosecomb bantam... Isn't that a big floppy single comb?

Dunno....those legs are odd.

Ah well, at least she is pretty AND lays eggs! :ya
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White eggs cuts out all of the brown egg laying birds....yep.

She can't be a rosecomb bantam... Isn't that a big floppy single comb?

Dunno....those legs are odd.

Ah well, at least she is pretty AND lays eggs! :ya
Well that means that she's a cross breed. Mostly leghorn right? Thanks for the help!! ;)

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