Let me help you find the best dog breed that matches your life style and needs:

Can you help me find a dog breed?
Expectations: I want a dog who is polite, not jumping and barking at everyone who enters my home. A dog who learns quickly and doesn't forget.
Purpose: Protection for my poultry, pet
Living: Inside dog.
Pet peeves: Over protective dogs, drool, loud, overly lazy dogs.
Experience: Mutts, some were smart some were not. Some where overprotective or loud or drooled crazy amounts.
Other Pets: Chickens, Ducks Rabbits and other dogs.
Family: Lots of kids around all the time.
Home/Living: 2 acres or so. Big house, lots of chickens and neighbors nearby.
What kind of dog should I get?
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What dog should i get?

Purpose: companion
Living: inside
Other pets: chickens, cat, guinea pigs.
Experience: german shepherd
Pet peeves: grumpy, my dads German shepherd growls at me if I even walk by him
Home/Living: house with a medium sized fenced in backyard on 13 acres of woods in the middle of nowhere.
Family: family of six, the youngest is ten.

@cluckmecoop7 I used your post as a template.
You are going to spend 87,000 hours with your future dog if it lives 10 years on average.
It could be 87000 of amazing hours or not so good hours or even bad hours of your life depending on the right or wrong breed.
It worth spending a few minutes to explain about your dream dog and your expectations and commitments and ...
I also like to know why your Dad's German Shepherd does not respect your presence the way he /she should? Is it the dog's problem or your dad's or yours if it is ok with you to answer that.
That's awesome! It's like everything else, I can never generalize that ALL of them do this or that. It's just been my personal experience with many Newfie's that they love to roam when given the opportunity. Indeed I've had one that we called my shadow because she was not as inclined. Also, most of my Newfie's have not been altered so the desire to roam is probably connected to looking for a date 😍
To me that explains most of it.

An intact dog and the scent of female or potential of it in air and the gate open and a few dogs are left behind to protect the property, I may also go. Why not?
Honestly I had no knowledge about the problem with designer Newfies . I do not have any solution for it that does not involve court and fine and force . It is one of the problems that when I can't sleep at nights and I need a mental challenge better than counting sheep I think about it every now and then. The only non aggressive solution is providing knowledge and consultation for people who want a puppy more than anything else and the question of what breed comes way too late for them.
About Golden Retriever : when I was 7 or so years old my uncle sent me a new year card post to congratulate me. It was real phot of an old man with his resting shotgun beside a pond waiting for ducks to shoot them and his Golden retriever was just all focused on the ducks and his job. I was fascinated about hunting at the time.
Moving to Canada I realized I can and would enjoy watching animals and birds without shooting them. Then after a while I realized I can not enjoy them if I shoot them.

So now at the age of fifty four I can see that card post happening in a few years . The shotgun will not be there but the pond, the dog and the ducks are not remote dreams anymore.
I LOVE watching a dog's undeniable DNA at work. The Golden does not have to retrieve a duck but it absolutely does have to retrieve something! Everyone who comes into my house just has to accept the gift. It may be a flip flop, it may be a pillow, whatever fit's perfectly into the retriever mouth that is definitely duck sized. They are SO SWEET and great with kids. I hesitate just a little to recommend Shelties to people with kids by the way. Do you find them to be "nippy" with kids and quick to get annoyed by high pitched kid noises?? Different subject but I saw you recommending very protective breeds to a person who wants that but has babies... Made me go hmmm.... People who sign up for those breeds better be very educated on what they are signing up for and TRAIN them without fail. So on that subject what do you think Akita or Doberman as both protective yet good with kids???
To me that explains most of it.

An intact dog and the scent of female or potential of it in air and the gate open and a few dogs are left behind to protect the property, I may also go. Why not?
Hahah for sure, grab a bottle of wine on the way.... But seriously, I would NEVER alter my Leo's either and they are just not players, they stay home. So that's why my comparison.
Oh, I wanna do this!! My expectations may be unrealistic, so just let me know if that's the case lol.

What is the purpose of you choosing a dog? Farming? homesteading? inside dog? outside dog? guardian? companion ship? - homesteading/guardian/companionship & inside. I'd love a dog that hunts groundhogs, rabbits and chipmunks, if that's a thing, but not hunt our chickens.

Any livestock? - chickens

Your experience with dogs in general. - I've had a Pomeranian, dachshund and cocker spanial throughout my life. Small dogs just because we used to have a small yard, but now have more space.

Your pet peeves about dogs? - I dislike a ton of hair and my husband can be allergic if there's too much of it. I also don't like dogs that bark a ton, which has been my experience with our pomeranian and dachshund.

The home,land,exercise and attention you are happy to give your dog? I'm home literally all the time. They can run free on 2 acres that's not fenced in (some wooded) and be a part of the family constantly.

Your family size and structure? I've got 3 kiddos, oldest is 8. We homeschool and are working on homesteading.

Do you want to walk your dog in public places like parks off leash? That'd be great! I'd love an obedient dog who cares about rules and boundaries.
I LOVE watching a dog's undeniable DNA at work. The Golden does not have to retrieve a duck but it absolutely does have to retrieve something! Everyone who comes into my house just has to accept the gift. It may be a flip flop, it may be a pillow, whatever fit's perfectly into the retriever mouth that is definitely duck sized. They are SO SWEET and great with kids. I hesitate just a little to recommend Shelties to people with kids by the way. Do you find them to be "nippy" with kids and quick to get annoyed by high pitched kid noises?? Different subject but I saw you recommending very protective breeds to a person who wants that but has babies... Made me go hmmm.... People who sign up for those breeds better be very educated on what they are signing up for and TRAIN them without fail. So on that subject what do you think Akita or Doberman as both protective yet good with kids???

I LOVE watching a dog's undeniable DNA at work. The Golden does not have to retrieve a duck but it absolutely does have to retrieve something! Everyone who comes into my house just has to accept the gift. It may be a flip flop, it may be a pillow, whatever fit's perfectly into the retriever mouth that is definitely duck sized. They are SO SWEET and great with kids. I hesitate just a little to recommend Shelties to people with kids by the way. Do you find them to be "nippy" with kids and quick to get annoyed by high pitched kid noises?? Different subject but I saw you recommending very protective breeds to a person who wants that but has babies... Made me go hmmm.... People who sign up for those breeds better be very educated on what they are signing up for and TRAIN them without fail. So on that subject what do you think Akita or Doberman as both protective yet good with kids???
Was it the case that I talked about Dogo Argentino and Boerboel and things?

If that is the case I need to re review it. I do not want to suggest something wrong although Dogo Argentino and Cane Corso are very good with kids even infants . They know where every leg of them is and they are not sloppy to hit the kid when passing him/her but if that is the case I am going to look at it.
That is why I like second and third opinion in this thread. Akita I can't recommend them more but Doberman comes to the chance of which breeder and I don't risk it. Akita on the other hand is proven. I like your suggestion very much.

The only thing that I never could change about my sheltie to day he passed away was his distrust to kids before their mental maturity. I guess It is because shelties are very delicate and they know it. You touch them without their knowledge and they yap even before any pain felt. It is part of the small dog breeds with delicate body and no real defensive mechanism other than barking.
You are going to spend 87,000 hours with your future dog if it lives 10 years on average.
It could be 87000 of amazing hours or not so good hours or even bad hours of your life depending on the right or wrong breed.
It worth spending a few minutes to explain about your dream dog and your expectations and commitments and ...
I also like to know why your Dad's German Shepherd does not respect your presence the way he /she should? Is it the dog's problem or your dad's or yours if it is ok with you to answer that.
Thorsten is a one person dog and my dad and I dont get along sometimes, as well as Thorsten is 7 years old has hip issues and never really liked me anyway as when I was younger my older brother would think it was funny to try and set him on me when the dog was 1-2 years old. I don't mind some grumpiness I just want to find a breed that is generally a friendly dog.
I LOVE watching a dog's undeniable DNA at work. The Golden does not have to retrieve a duck but it absolutely does have to retrieve something! Everyone who comes into my house just has to accept the gift. It may be a flip flop, it may be a pillow, whatever fit's perfectly into the retriever mouth that is definitely duck sized. They are SO SWEET and great with kids. I hesitate just a little to recommend Shelties to people with kids by the way. Do you find them to be "nippy" with kids and quick to get annoyed by high pitched kid noises?? Different subject but I saw you recommending very protective breeds to a person who wants that but has babies... Made me go hmmm.... People who sign up for those breeds better be very educated on what they are signing up for and TRAIN them without fail. So on that subject what do you think Akita or Doberman as both protective yet good with kids?

I will bite, we are currently looking for a second dog to be my partners companion and keep an eye on the farm at night. We spend 80% of our time outside so she will be mostly outside. We have 15 acres with plants that need protected from deer as well as protect our rabbits, ducks, chickens, goats and pigs. Natural predators include raccoon, coyote, bobcats and black bears. I have had many pitbulls and english bulldogs in the past and currently have a basset hound. I've had many deaf dogs. I was raised on a farm with Jack Russell's, beagles, bassets, cocker spaniels and silky terriers. I hate when dogs are wimps, when they show fear. I want to be able to send my dog after any sound I hear in the dark and the dog show no hesitation. I need a dog that listens intently. I want her to take initiative and check out all the bumps in the night. My property is mostly unfenced so i need a dog that won't wonder too far. I don't like long haired dogs or super big dogs. My family structure is 3 adults and 2 babies(23 months and 11 months) I definitely wouldn't ever go to a dog park or anything like that with her, her job would be to protect the house and animals when we are away which isn't very often. I honestly have a few breeds in mind and I am curious if you recommend one of them.

You are right . I did not pay attention to 23 months and 11 months. I focused on the other part that I bolded.

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