Lethargic Hen Not Eating or Drinking


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 10, 2013
Hi All- I have a hen who I've noticed over the last few days has been acting strangely. She has isolated herself from the flock and will lay on the ground in the cool run, rather than pecking around in the grass. She's also not eating or drinking really. I offered her some banana and she just stared blankely at me and didn't even attempt to eat it. She's not totally lethargic though because she'll still try to run if I pick her up. Any ideas? Does this sound like she could be egg bound?
Good. It could just be she's at the bottom of the pecking order. I have one hen that does her own thing without the others. Have you introduced new chicks to the flock? Anything that might stress her out?
I have the EXACT same problem with one hen, started very suddenly this week. A veterinarian is speculating Marek disease, but the same veterinarian (without examining hen) said the same thing about one of my chickens before that had a broken leg. I think she's Marek-disease on the brain. All of my other hens seem fine.

What happened to yours? Get better/worse? I am checking on mine in a couple of minutes, she keeps putting herself in "time out" - secluding herself from the flock, but follows them from afar.
Does she have runny stool? If so she could have coccidiosis. It's a parasite in the intestine. It can be treated with Corid or Sulmet. My hen had the same thing!

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