Lethargic Hen with Diarrhea


8 Years
Jul 12, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Hi. I am hoping someone can help me. Just today one of our 3 year old hen started acting lethargic. She is struggling to stand so she's laying her head is dropping down as she lays. She's also been having diarrhea. I checked to see if she was egg bound and felt nothing. I did place her in a sitz bath also. We brought her inside dried her off with a hairdryer and layed her on a warming pad for about 40 minutes. There I forced down some water with corid in it (we did just bring home a few new pellets) in an eye dropper and forced some yogurt. She stood up and had an almost all clear liquid diarrhea. She is now in a dog cage in the shower with the heat lamp on. She is now standing and staying close to the water dish where she falls asleep for a few minutes and then drinks.

Any ideas on what I might be needing to treat? This came on so fast!
Can you post some photos?
Tell us what her crop feels like - hard, soft, fully, empty, squishy, smelly breath, doughy...

Feel the crop first thing in the morning as well to see if it's empty.
You don't mention when she last laid an egg? Any bloat/swelling or fluid in the abdomen between the legs toward the vent?
Any lice/mites?

It sounds like you are doing what you can for her. Let us know how she's doing.
If you can get a fecal float to testing for worms that would be good.

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