Let's have a gosling hatchalong!

beautiful babies all..................here are a few of our hatches from last weekend and this week.

Buff dewlap toulouse, grey dewlap toulouse, buff sebastopol, and grey split buff sebastopol. A few white sebastopols too (not pictured this time)


Dewlaps below

Hey barb, thanks and yes sorta that color. I will take the girls outside tomorrow and get good naturallighting pictures for you to see. We have lilacs set and growing, Lavenders set and growing as well so should be able to get pictures of them all this year and will do bill close ups this time around. We what lookslike a blue american hatching this weekend too.
I thought their beaks looked more cinammon colored. I told woolfarm to look for that color bill on the goslings that I bought last year from her and a bright golden yellow color. But I guess she did not know exactly what I meant.
I now know what to look for in a buff. Thank you Shellie...
Yep...that's just what I thought you'd say! I'm telling ya, I take a refresher course every year with your hatching guide.... Temp is factory set at 100F but generally runs between 99.5F and 100.1F. Both vents are always open and my humidity runs between 26% and 28%, rarely does it ever reach 30%. I always do my daily cooling and misting but on these I do it twice a day instead of once. I'll put the fan on it tonight when hubby gets home with it and see if that helps bring it down a little. I sure hope that fixes it because my girls are nearly done for the season!!!

On a happier note...gosling #2 is out and seems to be doing great so far! I'll try and get some pics of the two together after he finds his feet.

Congrats on baby #2!!! Pics??!?!?

Our last Sebbie to start.. laid her first egg today! Yay! So 7 geese a-laying and 18 for the bator tonight. Louis (Buff Dewlap Gander) is finding his attitude
so hopefully that will translate into some fertile eggs.

Congrads on all the babies and babies-to-be

Congrats on your last sebbie starting!!
for fertile dewlap eggs!!!
beautiful babies all..................here are a few of our hatches from last weekend and this week.

Buff dewlap toulouse, grey dewlap toulouse, buff sebastopol, and grey split buff sebastopol. A few white sebastopols too (not pictured this time)


Dewlaps below

cute babies! hope to have my first this weekend!
Congrats on baby #2!!! Pics??!?!?

Congrats on your last sebbie starting!!
for fertile dewlap eggs!!!


He is a Blue Cayuga, I hatched him last year! He is my fave
I have 1 blue hen & 2 black hens to go with him

Utah you want some eggs !
the Blues are so cool looking!
would you please explain the "bill color in goslings" statement? is this a way of sexing goslings? would love to know of a way to sex goslings other than the vent sexing (am assuming this applies to goslings as well) like in chick sexing.

or -

is this a color linked thing?

would you please explain the "bill color in goslings" statement? is this a way of sexing goslings? would love to know of a way to sex goslings other than the vent sexing (am assuming this applies to goslings as well) like in chick sexing.

or -

is this a color linked thing?

Hey Don, it has nothing to do with gender at all. Barb was asking about the sebastopol goslings as they come in a very wide variety of colors (white, blue, grey, buff, lilac, lavender). To determine gender in MOST breeds you have to vent sex, wait for eggs or pay for DNA testing. There are some cases where you have a breed that at hatch males and females come out two different colors of down, but most (like buff american, african, chinese, production toulouse) need to actually be sexed in some manor.

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