Let's have a gosling hatchalong!

It looks like I may have my first African gosling hatch tonight. It externally pipped last night.

RG, I may want eggs once my bator is no longer filled with goose eggs. Your blue Cayuga is really special!!

Love your cayugas. We're gonna pick up our very first cayugas today. But they're hatchery stock. Do you sell eggs? My husband fell in love with cayugas last year, but we hadn't found any until just now. Never tried to hatch out shipped eggs before, but from what I hear the success rate is not as good. All the hatching we have done has just been local farmer trades. We're not too fancy in our neck of the woods.
Daisy I would be happy to ship you eggs! I have had crappy shipped egg hatches & really good. I just got 5 shipped eggs from Utah & 4 developed. But I did loose one a couple days before hatch

I also bought 2 dozen Ancona Eggs & were shipped & got a 100% hatch. I also have had none hatch ..... So you never know

How many would you like? I see you have rabbits ~ What breeds?
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It looks like I may have my first African gosling hatch tonight. It externally pipped last night.

RG, I may want eggs once my bator is no longer filled with goose eggs. Your blue Cayuga is really special!!
Say the word!

Put my birds out in the pond yard ~

I candled my eggs. Out of 9 i have 8 wiggling babies. Thats good fertility for a yearling pair. Even the egg that was cracked and i waxed it has a wiggler in it. Hopefully they make it to
hatch day, which is 10 more days for 4of them and 15 for 3. my chicks are looking
good, i didnt candle all of those but the ones i did had wigglers. Too early to candle the ducks, only been in for 2 days im crossing my fingers for them to be wigglers too. :-D yay!
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J, good luck on the hatching african gosling. Best luck on all the rest of your hatchings as well.

Ginger was a great broody sitter she sat for 34 days. None of her eggs hatched. One was like hard boiled and the rest were liquid. I feel so bad for her. Ron took the eggs out for me and cracked them all to make sure. She still went back onto the nest. There are eggs that Hanna has been laying in the dog carrier next to her maybe she will discover them. But Hanna may not let her.

The eggs in my digital I am down to two now from 8. Not very good odds on this bunch.
I have 8 eggs in the 2nd incubator. I candled them tonight and another was liquid.
Went out this afternoon and raided the nest again. There were just two Hanna's and Vanessa and Nesies. So took 11 eggs again. Put 6 in the digital and 5 in the 2nd incubator. Will see how it goes with these and what I have in there.

At least we had 12 goslings hatch this year so far and I am proud of that. My 8 sebastopol goslings went home today with their new parents. They drove from Ohio to here to pick them up. Boy did they fall in love with them little darlings. Always want you to talk to them or jump up and want you to hold them. I am going to miss my babies.

The other 4 sebastopol goslings I am sending off Monday to their new momma.

I do believe if I get anymore goslings this year I will be keeping a few to grow out to keep some more females and see what feathering they might have. Then sell the remaining as young adults.
Daisy I would be happy to ship you eggs! I have had crappy shipped egg hatches & really good. I just got 5 shipped eggs from Utah & 4 developed. But I did loose one a couple days before hatch

I also bought 2 dozen Ancona Eggs & were shipped & got a 100% hatch. I also have had none hatch ..... So you never know

How many would you like? I see you have rabbits ~ What breeds?

Waiting for update on the three eggs in lockdown that are supposed to hatch today! One of them should be pure white.

I candled my eggs. Out of 9 i have 8 wiggling babies. Thats good fertility for a yearling pair. Even the egg that was cracked and i waxed it has a wiggler in it. Hopefully they make it to
hatch day, which is 10 more days for 4of them and 15 for 3. my chicks are looking
good, i didnt candle all of those but the ones i did had wigglers. Too early to candle the ducks, only been in for 2 days im crossing my fingers for them to be wigglers too. :-D yay!

Excellent development rate. Best of luck they all hatch!

J, good luck on the hatching african gosling. Best luck on all the rest of your hatchings as well.

Ginger was a great broody sitter she sat for 34 days. None of her eggs hatched. One was like hard boiled and the rest were liquid. I feel so bad for her. Ron took the eggs out for me and cracked them all to make sure. She still went back onto the nest. There are eggs that Hanna has been laying in the dog carrier next to her maybe she will discover them. But Hanna may not let her.

The eggs in my digital I am down to two now from 8. Not very good odds on this bunch.
I have 8 eggs in the 2nd incubator. I candled them tonight and another was liquid.
Went out this afternoon and raided the nest again. There were just two Hanna's and Vanessa and Nesies. So took 11 eggs again. Put 6 in the digital and 5 in the 2nd incubator. Will see how it goes with these and what I have in there.

At least we had 12 goslings hatch this year so far and I am proud of that. My 8 sebastopol goslings went home today with their new parents. They drove from Ohio to here to pick them up. Boy did they fall in love with them little darlings. Always want you to talk to them or jump up and want you to hold them. I am going to miss my babies.

The other 4 sebastopol goslings I am sending off Monday to their new momma.

I do believe if I get anymore goslings this year I will be keeping a few to grow out to keep some more females and see what feathering they might have. Then sell the remaining as young adults.

Thanks! Congrats on the 12 hatchlings and finding great homes for them. Sorry about Ginger not hatching her eggs. Would she be happy if you gave her a gosling to adopt? Odd coincidence that I have a buff dewlap yearling also named Ginger that went broody 11 days ago and I am doubtful that her eggs will develop/hatch. Assuming I hatch any dewlap babies in my bator (have 6 developing and setting 5 more tonight), I was going to give her the babies to adopt if none of hers hatch.

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