Let's share our chicken decor!

My 50 cent garage sale find
Here is a funny story about my latest chicken decor! The story...my coworkers all work in different states on the east coast. We talk daily and I of course talk too much about my chickens, the new coop etc. Fast forward to the funny story. I get a text from my sister-in-law saying that a package from Amazon has arrived at my Mother-in-law's house from Amazon. I told her that we hadn't ordered anything. Well, that was the wrong thing to say as she told my MIL that we didn't order anything and wasn't expecting a package. Now, you'd have to know my MIL to understand where this story took a left turn into nutsville! About an hour passes and my SIL texts me again...and says..."Mom is driving me nuts! She is convinced that there is a bomb in that stupid package you received because you weren't expecting anything!". I'm completely unconcerned about it and tell her to to tell Mom to chill. Another hour passes and my SIL texts me again and says..."I'm sorry"...I'm like, what for? "Mom wouldn't let it go...and was getting crazy about that box...so she insisted that I open it and to shut her up I did". At this point I'm rolling in the floor laughing! I was like...WELL?? What is it?? She replied..."It's a gift from someone named Cathy who says she totally enjoys your chicken stories and wanted to get you a Chicken Coop warming gift." She sent this picture:

chicken scale.jpg

I texted my coworker and thanked her for the gift and asked why she sent it to that address, she replied that she used the address I gave when planning another coworkers retirement gift! I used my MIL's address as I live in the backwoods of NC and UPS & FedEx do not deliver here! So, now I'm the proud owner of a Chicken Egg scale...if only the two girls that are laying age would get with the program so I have something to weigh!

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