Let's talk Cuckoo and WHITE marans... breeding strategies...

Oh I love this guy. I hatched out two last spring both roos but lost them to a group of Opossum kits.I was anxious to grow them out so I was very disappointed..

They are splash goldens, mine actually came from a Standard roo and a black cuckoo x bcm hen. I would take that guy in a minute, he is pretty cool looking!! I would think of all kinds of ways to experiment with him and different hens!!

I wouldn't use him in a GC program I think there would be too much white showing in his sons.

could this be a gcm in a homozyxous form like the crested cream legbars. They want the less colored roosters to breed with. I know little about chicken genetics but learning.
do have homozyxous horse I used to breed so have a little knowledge there. People thought I was crazy to pay the double dilutes for breeding many years ago. So is it possible for this bird to be double diluted?
On my legbars I kept a beautiful colored roo. Only to find out the breeders should be lighter.
Did you by him or breed for him. what was the parents.
My might have been answered already but have some catch reading on this forum....
This rooster is a product of my Golden Cuckoos. As a chick he looked like a splash. Before I decide to re-home him, can anyone offer any educated feedback on his color and whether or not he would be useful in my GCM breeding program?

this is the rooster I was talking about the picture didn't come up in my post
This is a GCM cockeral that is going into my spare rooster pen for the winter. He could have better shank feathering so I might not use him but I never go into winter without backup males. I overlaid the Marans conformation outline over the top in the second photo. So far I'm happy with this project. My goal is to improve size, weight and conformation.

Yes they are but isn't that why we do it LOL! I will be talking to you about the Black Tail Buffs this spring and may have to have a couple of your Goldens to add to my line too.
Haven't posted I'm a while but wanted to know the general concensus on the coloring for GC Marans. I have two roos that I planing on using in the spring, one has more coppery color and the other has a lighter golden color. Personally I like the light golden but wanted others opinion on it.
Haven't posted I'm a while but wanted to know the general concensus on the coloring for GC Marans. I have two roos that I planing on using in the spring, one has more coppery color and the other has a lighter golden color. Personally I like the light golden but wanted others opinion on it.
X2 I have been wondering this myself.

This is my boy . . Picture of yours?

Here are the pictures of both the boys. Sorry they are not great pics, I ran down to the barn and grabbed them quick with my cell phone.


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