Letting my broody raise 20 meaties. Now I have a rooster raising 50 CX chicks~new batch!

What are the light colored bean looking things? I am sure I saw them in the roos but can't remember if I saw them in the females.
Well I hope you didn't see them in any females, because then they're not females
those are testicles.
I havn't butchered a pullet so I have no clue!
I think theres an organ near the vent that is equivilant to a uterus where the egg is developed. But I havn't had to butcher a pullet so until then I don't know what it looks like...
I wish I had taken the time to photo the egg center(that's what we always called it but I'm sure it has a technical name) of the layers I processed, as they were fully developed with eggs in various stages of development.

The place where these ova are developed is not near the vent but attached approx. under the first set of ribs and where the lumbar spine starts. It is pretty firmly attached there and just looks like a group of white orbs in all sizes and the larger ones are in various shades of yellow. Wish I had photographed those for you all!

I took one pic of the egg center on one of the meaties but you cannot see much as this is a young bird...but at least you can see where it all starts. It is not attached to the tube in which the eggs descend, I'm imagining it is just like a fallopian tube system.

I should have also taken pics of the eggs in different stages of development in the vaginal canal...there were sacs of egg whites and the yellows were separate~we always save those egg yellows for soups. Mom likes those. We even got four eggs from these sporadic layers, fully formed and ready to come out in a day, I would guess.

I wish now I had taken pics of the whole set up...just didn't know folks were curious about that. I've been butchering chickens since I was little and had already seen all this, so I didn't think about it.
Here is a pic that was requested via PM. This is the area of the throat that I cut. As you can see I have put gentle traction on the bird's head downward to make this skin taut to allow for a swift and even cut. I cut left to right and deep enough to feel the spine but do not cut through the spine. This cuts jugular, carotid, and trachea in one cut. Make sure your knife is sharp and step back immediately, as the carotid tends to squirt straight out for a moment.

Do people with tracheotomies suffocate? Nope, just not breathing through their mouths or noses~this I know because I used to work on a vent unit.
A trach stoma is no different than a severed and open trachea.

These birds can still breathe through their severed tracheas~nothing preventing that at all~ but I doubt it is an issue as they do not breathe for very long at all after this method.

Here is a pic of the egg center in a meaty...the knife is pointing directly at that site:

Thanks... that gives me an idea of what to look for. I am so afraid I am going to miss something in there. I clean them out, bring them in and clean them again. Then after they rest a few days I clean them again before I freeze them.

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