Lice or mites? --- little blackish brown bug looking things crawlin all over my nest boxes and chick


7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
North Western Wisconsin
i am not sure what these things are but i am hoping someone can tell me how to get rid of them... i found them all around the nest boxes and some were on my arm after one of my banties flew up onto it. does any one know how to treat them?

here are some pics, sorry they arent the best:

those little black dots are the parasites im wondering about...

this is the handle of a bucket that is on top of my nest boxes( the little black things are the "bugs")
Those are most likely mites. There are so many types. Lice however are long and white/clear and only live on the bird were mites live on the wood and the bird. I use poultry dust for mine, you can also use sevin dust the same kind you use on your garden. I take an old panty hose and cut the leg off and put the dust powder in and use it like a powder puff to dust their bottoms and under wings really well and the rest of their bodies too, lift the feathers to get in on the skin where they hide

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