Lies Spread Quickly RP

~Ash let her gaze rise to his graying muzzle, but not daring to directly meet his eyes. "Not exactly," she replied cooly, her tail waving slowly as she realized this wolf didn't intend to kill her. "I have a territory of my own just up in the woods at the edge of this field." She gestured to the incline with her tail and pricked her ears forward. "I haven't seen either of you around here before..."
She trailed off, contemplating how much this statement was true. For some reason, the male's scent had struck her as terribly familiar.~

"Well, this here is my spread. I don't have to worry much about lean times when I learned to tend the land like humans do it. Plus, there is bacon. Haven't met anyone who don't like it. Rest of the pack is either dead or scattered, thanks to the vespin raids," he looked back on the farm. "I might have enough to feed you tonight if you are just passing through. I jus' gotta clean up the field first." Greymane cocked his head, awaiting an answer.

~Ash tilted her head with realization. "So you are Ulvens." Her ears swiveled with satisfaction of her suspicion being proved correct. "As am I." Her tail automatically smacked a nettling fly away from her flank. "And as for your offer, I see you're already feeding another mouth. However generous that was, I wouldn't wish to intrude."~
~Ash tilted her head with realization. "So you are Ulvens." Her ears swiveled with satisfaction of her suspicion being proved correct. "As am I." Her tail automatically smacked a nettling fly away from her flank. "And as for your offer, I see you're already feeding another mouth. However generous that was, I wouldn't wish to intrude."~

"I was alpha of a mighty pack. If you were male, I mightn't have offered. You'd be around the age of the youngest pup , before they took em all away. The loft has got more than one featherbed."
He growled a little," if I hadn't been out hunting that day, I might a killed some of them..."
~Ash tilted her head with realization. "So you are Ulvens." Her ears swiveled with satisfaction of her suspicion being proved correct. "As am I." Her tail automatically smacked a nettling fly away from her flank. "And as for your offer, I see you're already feeding another mouth. However generous that was, I wouldn't wish to intrude."~

"I was alpha of a mighty pack. If you were male, I mightn't have offered. You'd be around the age of the youngest pup , before they took em all away. The loft has got more than one featherbed."
He growled a little," if I hadn't been out hunting that day, I might a killed some of them..."

~Ash retreated a few steps back. Live in a human house? On a human bed? Her ears pinned back, even though her head was still lowered. I couldn't.... Abruptly, malevolent memories of stories and news told to her from long-forgotten sources began flooding out from the devoid caverns of her mind. Vepsens. They're everywhere.
And I'm not safe alone.

She was so tempted to say yes, to admit herself under the protection of this kind former Alpha.
But that would be going against everything Ash stood for. Het independency would be obliterated with one simple agreement. She would no longer be a wild wolf.
Would you rather be murdered?
"Thank you." The words seemed to be coming from someone else, an echoing voice from far off. A voice completely impudent to the mind it took orders from. "I'd like that."~
~Ash retreated a few steps back. Live in a human house? On a human bed? Her ears pinned back, even though her head was still lowered. I couldn't.... Abruptly, malevolent memories of stories and news told to her from long-forgotten sources began flooding out from the devoid caverns of her mind. Vepsens. They're everywhere.
And I'm not safe alone.

She was so tempted to say yes, to admit herself under the protection of this kind former Alpha.
But that would be going against everything Ash stood for. Het independency would be obliterated with one simple agreement. She would no longer be a wild wolf.
Would you rather be murdered?
"Thank you." The words seemed to be coming from someone else, an echoing voice from far off. A voice completely impudent to the mind it took orders from. "I'd like that."~

"You can come and go as you please, as long as you help out occasionally. That's the deal," Greymane stated simply. "I'm too old to be chasing pups over hill and dale, an I got no desire to do so. I jus' go into town to swap for certain vices... Prepared meats an the like." He beamed all over his wolfish face. " Yesterday, I got a mighty nice ham. There's an elk over across there at the edge of the wood, still pretty fresh."
~Ash retreated a few steps back. Live in a human house? On a human bed? Her ears pinned back, even though her head was still lowered. I couldn't.... Abruptly, malevolent memories of stories and news told to her from long-forgotten sources began flooding out from the devoid caverns of her mind. Vepsens. They're everywhere.
And I'm not safe alone.

She was so tempted to say yes, to admit herself under the protection of this kind former Alpha.
But that would be going against everything Ash stood for. Het independency would be obliterated with one simple agreement. She would no longer be a wild wolf.
Would you rather be murdered?
"Thank you." The words seemed to be coming from someone else, an echoing voice from far off. A voice completely impudent to the mind it took orders from. "I'd like that."~

"You can come and go as you please, as long as you help out occasionally. That's the deal," Greymane stated simply. "I'm too old to be chasing pups over hill and dale, an I got no desire to do so. I jus' go into town to swap for certain vices... Prepared meats an the like." He beamed all over his wolfish face. " Yesterday, I got a mighty nice ham. There's an elk over across there at the edge of the wood, still pretty fresh."

~Ash nodded gratefully, now comfortable to raise her head completely, though her eyes would always be kept lower than his. "I can't express my gratitude for such kindness," she began, finally her muzzle letting a sardonic grin creep onto it, "but I'll certainly try to prove my worth to be given such novelties." He's expecting you to work in HUMAN form... She slightly raised an eyebrow at his last comment, though still staying within the lines of respect. "Town, eh?" The brown she-wolf panted a snickering laugh. "To admit, I've never left the woods in the entirety of my life."~
Aphoryllo flirted slightly "You might not be a lady, but you're really pretty." He called the bartender and ordered a beer and a whiskey. He then returned his attention to her.
Ashanti chuckled and shook her head, but other than that did not pay attention to his compliment.
"So, why are you on the Vepsen's side? Family politics, popular opinion, or....?" She asked simply as she waited for the bartender to bring the drinks.
Ashanti chuckled and shook her head, but other than that did not pay attention to his compliment.
"So, why are you on the Vepsen's side? Family politics, popular opinion, or....?" She asked simply as she waited for the bartender to bring the drinks.
Aphoryllo, who had short term memory loss when it came to losing, completely forgot what had just happened. He answered, in no changed voice "When I was a boy, I used to have a friend that was secretly Ulven. My sister liked teasing others, she always did, and one day he couldn't contain his anger and turned into a wolf. I was getting some water to drink for us three when he struck. When I returned, he was still ripping and snarling. I ran inside and told my father to kill him, which my father did." Aphoryllo looked at at the roof of the tavern in thought and noted "My father was always a good fighter, I've learned much from him." Then, returning his gaze back to her, he asked, with a smile on his face "How come you're a Vepsen? Any depressing story on your part?"
Aphoryllo, who had short term memory loss when it came to losing, completely forgot what had just happened. He answered, in no changed voice "When I was a boy, I used to have a friend that was secretly Ulven. My sister liked teasing others, she always did, and one day he couldn't contain his anger and turned into a wolf. I was getting some water to drink for us three when he struck. When I returned, he was still ripping and snarling. I ran inside and told my father to kill him, which my father did." Aphoryllo looked at at the roof of the tavern in thought and noted "My father was always a good fighter, I've learned much from him." Then, returning his gaze back to her, he asked, with a smile on his face "How come you're a Vepsen? Any depressing story on your part?"
Ashanti listened to Aphoryllo with a humorous look of "Well then..." at the end. She then went on to answer his question,
"Well, my story isn't really depressing. I grew up in a poor household, since my father was arrested for a whole lot of random reasons, and my mother couldn't really get a job, so I just tried my best to work hard and help my mom my whole life. I always wanted to be wealthy and not have to worry about 'what if my husband leaves me' or really getting a job at all, because my current childhood situation without wealth was hardly livable. I noticed that those of who joined the Vepsen side of things tended to easily become wealthy, because they were more about money and were more supported by the majority. So, I didn't really join the Vepsen for moral reasons, I just wanted a stable life. And, I got one."
Ashanti listened to Aphoryllo with a humorous look of "Well then..." at the end. She then went on to answer his question,
"Well, my story isn't really depressing. I grew up in a poor household, since my father was arrested for a whole lot of random reasons, and my mother couldn't really get a job, so I just tried my best to work hard and help my mom my whole life. I always wanted to be wealthy and not have to worry about 'what if my husband leaves me' or really getting a job at all, because my current childhood situation without wealth was hardly livable. I noticed that those of who joined the Vepsen side of things tended to easily become wealthy, because they were more about money and were more supported by the majority. So, I didn't really join the Vepsen for moral reasons, I just wanted a stable life. And, I got one."
Aphoryllo nodded and grabbed his whiskey, and nodded, agreeing "That makes sense."
Aphoryllo nodded and grabbed his whiskey, and nodded, agreeing "That makes sense."
Ashanti took her beer once the bartender had served it. She held it up and said "Cheers", bonking his glass with force, purposefully trying to make him spill some of it with a smirk on her face.

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