Lies Spread Quickly RP

(I really have to get more active on here....)
~Ash observed the two wolves which inhabited the shadowed valley from her lofty, obscured perch atop the incline that sloped upward from the valley. She lifted her muzzle and scented the air, trying to decipher hidden factors about them that couldn't be seen.
One thing for sure: they had just eaten. A lot.
Ash's mouth watered. How come they couldn't have been hunting on my territory so that I could've chased them off and eaten their prey? Ash wanted to claw her own muzzle off at this knavish thought. What are you- some dishonest coyote?!?
She kept drawing the air through her nostrils steadily, trying to ignore the tantalizing blood of elk that lingered on the wind. Larger one is male, but old. Seems to hold himself in a lofty esteem above the female- former leader of some sort? And the she-wolf is young and obviously not his mate. Friends, perhaps?~

The wind shifted. Greymane's​ nose caught something. His hackles raised, his nose twitched. He started barking, raising the alarm. He glanced uphill but could see nothing. Another wolf was nearby. A female, alone. Growling and barking, Greymane yelled at her. He didn't appreciate unannounced visitors spying on him.
Aphoryllo chuckled, and replied "I guess we are." He asked "Want something to drink?" He thought about her question, and replied "Well, we're half-bird, so we can patrol the forest from above, locate the old mutt, and kill him in his sleep." He made sure to keep his voice low, not that it really mattered, because most people were Vepsen supporters, but just in case. "Or would you have a better plan? I'm happy with whatever as long as I keep this hefty salary."
"That sounds like a sturdy plan." Ashanti agreed. "Not much else we can do than either fly or walk around to find him. If that doesn't work after a while, we can walk around the village and try to gather information about him. Because we have his name, so that's enough information to find someone that knows him." She told him, feeling confident that she could get this job done quickly. "And yes, I would like a drink." She smiled slightly.
After a good nap during the hottest part of the day, Greymane awoke. He casually stretched, yawned, and shook his ears, then sat up to get a good scratch in before standing. It felt very refreshing, a lazy afternoon after a good hunt.

Tess awoke after Greymane, her eyelids heavy. She, too, yawned, and then pranced up on her paws. She yipped at Greymane, in a much better mood now that she had eaten.
(I really have to get more active on here....)
~Ash observed the two wolves which inhabited the shadowed valley from her lofty, obscured perch atop the incline that sloped upward from the valley. She lifted her muzzle and scented the air, trying to decipher hidden factors about them that couldn't be seen.
One thing for sure: they had just eaten. A lot.
Ash's mouth watered. How come they couldn't have been hunting on my territory so that I could've chased them off and eaten their prey? Ash wanted to claw her own muzzle off at this knavish thought. What are you- some dishonest coyote?!?
She kept drawing the air through her nostrils steadily, trying to ignore the tantalizing blood of elk that lingered on the wind. Larger one is male, but old. Seems to hold himself in a lofty esteem above the female- former leader of some sort? And the she-wolf is young and obviously not his mate. Friends, perhaps?~

Tess awoke after Greymane, her eyelids heavy. She, too, yawned, and then pranced up on her paws. She yipped at Greymane, in a much better mood now that she had eaten. 

The wind shifted. Greymane's​ nose caught something. His hackles raised, his nose twitched. He started barking, raising the alarm. He glanced uphill but could see nothing. Another wolf was nearby. A female, alone. Growling and barking, Greymane yelled at her. He didn't appreciate unannounced visitors spying on him.
(I really have to get more active on here....)
~Ash observed the two wolves which inhabited the shadowed valley from her lofty, obscured perch atop the incline that sloped upward from the valley. She lifted her muzzle and scented the air, trying to decipher hidden factors about them that couldn't be seen.
One thing for sure: they had just eaten. A lot.
Ash's mouth watered. How come they couldn't have been hunting on my territory so that I could've chased them off and eaten their prey? Ash wanted to claw her own muzzle off at this knavish thought. What are you- some dishonest coyote?!?
She kept drawing the air through her nostrils steadily, trying to ignore the tantalizing blood of elk that lingered on the wind. Larger one is male, but old. Seems to hold himself in a lofty esteem above the female- former leader of some sort? And the she-wolf is young and obviously not his mate. Friends, perhaps?~

The wind shifted. Greymane's​ nose caught something. His hackles raised, his nose twitched. He started barking, raising the alarm. He glanced uphill but could see nothing. Another wolf was nearby. A female, alone. Growling and barking, Greymane yelled at her. He didn't appreciate unannounced visitors spying on him.

~Ash tensed and pulled back into the shadows of the hill even farther. The old male had caught her scent. Should I go up to him? They'll probably track me down, anyway. Her nose twitched, seeming to agree with her logic. A sudden amiable factor dawned on her. Hmmm. I wonder if they're Ulvens. Eventually, she decided to remain uphill of them and see how things played out.~
~Ash tensed and pulled back into the shadows of the hill even farther. The old male had caught her scent. Should I go up to him? They'll probably track me down, anyway. Her nose twitched, seeming to agree with her logic. A sudden amiable factor dawned on her. Hmmm. I wonder if they're Ulvens. Eventually, she decided to remain uphill of them and see how things played out.~
The wind shifted. Greymane's nose caught something. His hackles raised, his nose twitched. He started barking, raising the alarm. He glanced uphill but could see nothing. Another wolf was nearby. A female, alone. Growling and barking, Greymane yelled at her. He didn't appreciate unannounced visitors spying on him.

Tess, too caught the scent of the nearby wolf, eventually realizing that that was the source of Greymane's frenzied barking. She barked too, aggressive towards the intruder but, as always, submissive to Greymane. She tipped her head inquisitively at him. Did he know this wolf? The wind brought on an even stronger whiff, and Tess detected the unmistakable scent of a female wolf. She growled.
~Ash tensed and pulled back into the shadows of the hill even farther. The old male had caught her scent. Should I go up to him? They'll probably track me down, anyway. Her nose twitched, seeming to agree with her logic. A sudden amiable factor dawned on her. Hmmm. I wonder if they're Ulvens. Eventually, she decided to remain uphill of them and see how things played out.~

[CONTENTEMBED=/t/1153084/lies-spread-quickly-rp/480#post_18267915 layout=inline] [/CONTENTEMBED]
[COLOR=333333]The wind shifted. Greymane's nose caught something. His hackles raised, his nose twitched. He started barking, raising the alarm. He glanced uphill but could see nothing. Another wolf was nearby. A female, alone. Growling and barking, Greymane yelled at her. He didn't appreciate unannounced visitors spying on him.[/COLOR]

Tess, too caught the scent of the nearby wolf, eventually realizing that that was the source of Greymane's frenzied barking. She barked too, aggressive towards the intruder but, as always, submissive to Greymane. She tipped her head inquisitively at him. Did he know this wolf? The wind brought on an even stronger whiff, and Tess detected the unmistakable scent of a female wolf. She growled. 
~Not even looking, Ash could tell what was the situation here just by listening to their chorus of defiance. The male was obviously supremely dominant, and the female young and submissive, as earlier suspected. You're a complete idiot if you think you can hide from them. Sighing, Ash rose from her veiling hiding place and descended down into the valley. Her claws dug into the grass as she approached the two wolves; her head was head respectfully low in instinctual submissive to the male, but her tail was not tucked, betraying her own confidence.~
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"That sounds like a sturdy plan." Ashanti agreed. "Not much else we can do than either fly or walk around to find him. If that doesn't work after a while, we can walk around the village and try to gather information about him. Because we have his name, so that's enough information to find someone that knows him." She told him, feeling confident that she could get this job done quickly. "And yes, I would like a drink." She smiled slightly.
Aphoryllo smiled back, pleased she had said yes. He asked, with a certain charm to his simple question, "And what would the madam murderer like to drink?"
Aphoryllo smiled back, pleased she had said yes. He asked, with a certain charm to his simple question, "And what would the madam murderer like to drink?"
"Beer. Not much of a lady's drink, but I am no lady." Ashanti stated with a subtle grin. "Though, I suppose that's rather obvious, given the fact I'm agreeing to kill someone...Actually, multiple people."
Tess, too caught the scent of the nearby wolf, eventually realizing that that was the source of Greymane's frenzied barking. She barked too, aggressive towards the intruder but, as always, submissive to Greymane. She tipped her head inquisitively at him. Did he know this wolf? The wind brought on an even stronger whiff, and Tess detected the unmistakable scent of a female wolf. She growled. 

~Not even looking, Ash could tell what was the situation here just by listening to their chorus of defiance. The male was obviously supremely dominant, and the female young and submissive, as earlier suspected. You're a complete idiot if you think you can hide from them. Sighing, Ash rose from her veiling hiding place and descended down into the valley. Her claws dug into the grass as she approached the two wolves; her head was head respectfully low in instinctual submissive to the male, but her tail was not tucked, betraying her own confidence.~

Greymane heard the rustling of the parting vegetation. His teeth bared as the large she-wolf gingerly made her way forward, her head held in proper submissive position. His growling slowed as she approached. He bobbed his head inquisitively, his neck arched up, his tail slightly wagging. His lips returned to their relaxed position, but they still twitched a little since he was still a little annoyed.

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