Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

so glad to hear from you again, my friend. I see where you told about your son going to the ER but skimmed over your visit?? LOL
I am sending you my new email in a private message. Sounds like you had quite a productive summer.
Have you posted pics of the new parsonage? We love to see pics. Especially, the ones where you do the before and after. I really think the Rev. thought long and hard about how to approach the "hunting" trip and how to tie it in to the ducks.
I think you have him trained well.

Congrats to your daughter for placing 2nd.
Good support from your son.
Good to see you back in our BYC lives.
Hello my friend!
What a blessing you have been to me! I hurt my back in the move, so much work to do, I couldn't slow down...until I was made to slow down. My back just called it quits, wound up in the ER in extreme pain, they gave me morphine, that made me ill (I'm sure I should be happy that I'm not Then he insisted on me taking 2 wks in bed, really?? Bed?? In the middle of all I have to do??!! I gave it 2 days, should have listened, things are slowing down a little (well, with the building anyway!)

I have not wanted to talk about the following episode, had so much problems with it, I finally started talking about it, and it has gotten better, so thought perhaps if I shared with my friends, I could be well.

I believe in prayer, and Praise the Lord for His mercies. My God is faithful.

My husband had to go out of town for a coupla days, about 3 weeks ago. I stayed home with the children, have been happy and at peace here. I fell asleep, around midnight (I did a little I was having a lovely dream, when a snake entered my dream, then became reality. I grasped it and tossed it out of the bed, I then jumped out of the bed, landing on the floor beside the bed, I screamed and screamed and screamed. I'm fairly certain I was close to hysteria. I shook myself, grabbed a shoe, (it was the closest thing handy) and searched for this creature that had invaded not only my home, but the sanctity of my bed. I did not find it, needless to say, sleep eluded me.
The Rev. called the next day, I debated about telling him, I knew he could not come home, so in order to keep him from worry, I kept it to after day after day. Unable to sleep, I would lay down, and feel again the snake as it slithered upon me, it had made it all the way down to my leg!
I began jumping and screaming at the least noise, movement, or touch. The Rev. insisted I tell him, and I did. He laughed.
Don't judge him harshly, I'm certain he thought worse things had come upon us. About 2 weeks later, I saw a little garter snake by the back door, as soon as I saw the size (and width) of it, I felt certain we had discovered the snake that had invaded our home.
The parsonage has set empty for years, the last pastor had his own home, and I had worried about what have claimed it for their own habitation....and had took preventative measures, however all for naught.
Now, I stated at the beginning of this story that I believe in prayer. I have been praying, earnestly seeking the Lord for peace.
I began quoting the scripture,
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Is. 26:3

There were a host of other wonderful scriptures that I read, and quoted (I had always done so for others, this time it was me.)
Phill. 4:7, Ps 119:65, Is. 12:2....the list goes on.
They were all for naught, no sleep, nerves were frayed....not the home of peace I so cherish!
I, yes, I was going to have to get ahold of myself. Fear, it cometh not from God. And fear is what had taken hold on me. I did not like it.
I did not want any part of it. I WOULD not have any part of it!
My God is faithful. Two nights ago, I laid down, didn't wrap a pillow around my head, didn't feel the creepy crawly sensations, why?
Because my God was a protector. It (the snake) could have bitten me, I am a restless sleeper, but it didn't. Even if it had, I trust in the one who is able to heal...did I not?
This was a test, one that I wanted no part of, one that I had been failing miserably at, but no less a test.

Two nights now of rest. Blessed rest. I have the children quote the scripture,
"And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt dig about thee, and thou shalt take thy rest in safety. " Job 11:18

I wanted my children to know rest, peace, and the wonderful comfort of feeling safe. This too became a scripture I quoted, but I can promise you, it took on new meaning for me. Safety.

It simply came down to, did I trust Him? Did I?

My God is faithful. Now, don't get the idea we are co-habitating with the thing....
Nay! However, we have been able to resume our life, and our sleep is returning...and I need sleep! Trust me! I have a dear Aunt who said, "I'm just not nice till I have my coffee in the morning!" Her husband nodded. Well, I'm just not nice if I don't get my sleep! My family heads would be bobbing assent if you could see them!

No coop yet here at the new parsonage, awaiting a break in the work. Began to look at the shed my husband has his things stored in, in a new light! Wouldn't he rather have a new shed? The one here is so weathered, and beginning to sag, I'm certain he would like a new one for all his precious tools & things.....

Perhaps, I still have not traded ducks for a trip though!

Y'all Come
The Parson's Wife

P.S....don't let the snakes keep you away!!
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God is so good to us! God just sent another blessing our way this week, he is our provider!
I cannot tell it enough! How faithful is my God!

I just posted the story on my blog, hope you can take time to read it! Hope it encourages and blesses you!

Oh, my Silkie enabler...
told me last night at church there will be a slight delay on her being able to give me silkies. Seems she's having a record number of roo's born! Been there and done that!

But that's ok, I can be patient!
Oh, really I can!
Hello! I just had to post....we are about to become parents for the 3rd time...she should arrive within the next 3 wks...she is 2 years old, and a perfect little darling. We can't wait till we have her with us. God is so good! What a miracle!

Let's see, updates...still at the last church I mentioned, doing good. Great people, we feel so very blessed.
The children just finished basketball camp, and my daughter placed 1st again at State competition in Instrumental solo, and Short story.
She chose not to go to Nationals this wk, because she wants to compete at the state level of 4-H with her music. And she also placed 1st at the tri-county 4-H talent show. Together they won their regionals for musical ensemble (she played the piano & he the drums)
Both children are in 4-H & loving it...Hailey just acquired her latest project...a mini-rex (black otter) rabbit....he is sooooo cute!
James is to pick up his chickens tomorrow to show at the fair....
Life just seems to have a way of ticking along, slow & fast, sad & happy, but always filled with life.
The Rev. has been so busy with new job, as well as the church, I feel I've become a single mom (I don't mean that bad..but ya know)
He certainly feels the crunch....he came to the scrimmage game, all dressed up from work, flew up the bleachers, and when it was their turn for their name to be called...Dad was there.

We also were just discussing the fact that we purchased a picnic table!!!! That's such a big mosquitoes...I think I've swatted THREE this, we can be outdoors! So nice..and the nights so far have gotten pretty chilly. Yes, we do count our blessings, big & small!

I know you understand this...much to do, so little time!

Y'all come

The Parson's Wife
Hi former neighbor, glad you dropped in to give us an update! You should do it more often.

Thank you! Lot's of changes have taken place....lot's. And more yet to come. (((sigh))) that's a definite sigh.
Mainly, cause I'm tired. lol Life is good, always always good. The Rev has a new job he loves, one he has been working towards for awhile. He is a chaplain now. He loves this, he is definitely called to it. We resigned our church a little over 1 yr ago, and began this new journey. The four of us are happy...the children have grown, time is sweeping past at an alarming rate, and we are simply enjoying life, our life...a good life.
Hey y’all! Would you believe I’m about to start the incubating process all over again?
New church. New state!!
My daughter is in her 2nd year of college and my son is a sophomore in high school & recently got his drivers license! Oh my! How fast time goes!
We moved from the Delta to middle Missouri!
From rare snows to regular snows. I remember when I used to think 45* days were bitter cold...
It feels like Spring here when we have 45* degree days!
Incubator coming next week followed by eggs.
We absolutely love hatching, chickens, & the sweet simple life raising chickens brings. (I probably said the last part with tongue in cheek, considering all the “adventures” we’ve had over the years with chickens. But I still wouldn’t trade it!
Y’all come!

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