Life on the farm - Updates from Bethel

I haven't kept up with updates much on this thread so here goes.

This has been our first summer here and while it is beautiful, it has been hot (100) and dry (drought for weeks). We have found a man to cut our pastures and open areas with a tractor once a month. It took several cuttings with bushhog till he got it looking good but now it's really pretty when freshly cut. Unfortunately, didn't take a pic then but these pics show the grass needing to be cut again.

Pond in background - dried up. We had to shoot a lot of HUGE water moccasins that were out there eating the fish that were exposed and dying. One nearly got the dogs, especially Scarlett who went righ up to the thing and it started striking at her which got Rex in on the act. I ran in house to get hubby who couldn't believe the huge "log" I was pointing at was a snake.


These are the "Parteres" as seen from balcony. I first I dug them out and started planting roses but couldn't keep them alive in the heat and drought no matter how much I watered them. Never have been good at roses. Besides at the time I also had my vegetable garden and lots of baby chicks and ducks so gardens have taken a step back in priorities. Maybe this fall I can try again.



This is the horse pasture/pecan orchard.


Chicken coop and duck house as seen from balcony. Notice the original systern still in place which provided water from rooftop to inside house.


And in posting the good pics, got to post the bad.

Here's issue number 1: Bats. Thousands of bats. They live in porch ceilings and get in around loose columns and leave lots of bat poop and STINK.



Issue number 2 is relatively new: Bees. Honeybees I think. Have taken up residency in bottom of rotten column. Sometimes the whole side of the house is covered in swarm of bees and looks like it's painted black.



All animals and livestock are doing well and can be found on my "Journey" thread:

Till next time....

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Look at that wrap around double porch---circa early to mid 1800's if I am correct????

Please try to find an apiary to relocate those honey bees... they will most likely do it for free and we need every single bee right now...

Beautiful house--look what chickens lead to....
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Monique, I know there are beekeepers down there who can get those bees for you - and some are really good at putting things back together (others aren't, those that can charge for it, those that can't tell you it's your responsibility to hire a carpenter to fix things up). I posted this link the other day to a map of beekeepers who do removals. If you don't mind them there, then of course, don't bother, but you are in the area where the africanized honeybees are spreading, be careful if they become aggressive.
It is funny what chickens can lead to - lead me here.

The house was built in 1908 but is built exactly like other Greek Revival homes in area that were built in mid-1800s.

There is a honey bee farm near here so I thought I would call them about the bees. However, I know that they are helpful and will come in handy when I do get to start planting flower gardens and vegetable gardens so I don't plan to do anything to get rid of them unless they become a problem. So far, out of sight, out of way. We do have a contractor that will be starting historical repairs on home soon but the columns are way down on list. There's a whole side of house that is rotted and termite infested so it takes priority. The bats will be the first to go....and before everyone writes and tells me they are federally protected, yeah, yeah, I know. They will be relocated to a nice bat farm somewhere...right after I box up a few hundred and Express mail them to whoever it is in Washington that thinks they still need to be protected. See how they like having them buzz by their head while they are sleeping or find them in your snack food by bedside in middle of night - yes, they do find their way in house from time to time.
I know the bats are a pain in the you know what for you, but they really are in trouble, for much the same reason our honeybees are - what do bats eat? Flying insects for the most part. Many feel their food source is contaminated by the same chemicals that are doing in our bees. The bats have developed poor immune systems and are succumbing to all manner of problems, around here and in other places there's a disease called something like white nose that's a fungus that kills them.

The problem with bats and humans are their droppings (this article contains lots of info regarding bats beyond their droppings) . Histoplasmosis is a problem for humans that develops wherever bat guano builds up. Be careful if you're sweeping it up, wear a mask at the very least!
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Thanks Reinbeau - I'll take a look at that article. I was developing some allergies, sore throat and sinus issues and thought it might be from bat smell that is really strong on second floor in our master bathroom. So we have been sleeping downstairs lately and it cleared up so may be something to it or just coincidence. I want to see what the article says because, yes I was sweeping it up daily, hosing off porch, even going into attic where smell would knock you out and spraying deodorizers.

I realize they are endangered in many places but not around here. Every old home and barn and outbuilding in this area is heavily infested with them, especially the old plantation homes. But, like all of God's animals, I know they have their place and I try and honor that. Someone recently told me the University of Florida's football stadium was heavily infested and they came up with a way of building a huge bat house and got the bats to move out of stadium and into bat house. Said they have a website telling how they did it. I haven't looked it up yet and I think it was University of Florida but could have gotten the name wrong.
Only have time for a quick update and no time to post pics - we're running off generator right now and probably will be for awhile. Gustav hit us hard. See all those huge old Live Oak trees and old pecan orchard trees???? - GONE. Just demolished. Sad but we are blessed. DH's kids and their spouses and their inlaws all came here for Lafayette to escape the storm and we got hit hardest. The two closest towns, Natchez and Baton rouge, also have no power so I won't be able to spend much time on BYC
- Got to conserve what gas and generator time we have and try and get our work done (our "real" job).

It's a mess here. When the giant trees fell they took out the gardens, camelias, and fences.

I'll post more later. All is well - God is good.
Stay safe from the storms!!

The house picts are gorgeous---so much you can do with a wonderful place like that!!
Thats like my dream place!!--WTG!!!

Keep us updated and keep posting pictures when you are able.............

Bats can be a bad and health nuisnance--try your best to relocate to trees with bat boxes or other buildings where you do not occupy.....for your own health!!


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