Life on the farm - Updates from Bethel

Well, the Lord filled our pond. It had been dry all summer but thanks to 5 days of non-stop rain due to Gustav the pond has water again.



And Rex can swim again.


Don't think I ever posted the original bathroom facilities - complete with light switch and red brick walkway leading to it. Can you even imagine the days when THIS is where you had to go when you had to GO?


The rain also brought out what I call the Fairy Flowers because they just magically appear out of the ground. They are all over the property and the woods.



Still have the huge old trees and fences down and lots of clean up to do but sometimes I just have to play Scarlett O'Hara and say "I can't think about that now. If I do I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow."
Hey Monique,
I just love that pond,beautiful !! Those fairy flowers are what I call the spider lillies. Usually when they appear means fall is on it's way.
Well, that's what my Mother used to say.
Rex,lol that's too cute. How little Miss Scarlett doing?
Little Miss Scarlett is great now that she has Little Miss Prissy to play with. Prissy is the stray Min Pin that someone dumped on road in front of our house. She stayed there two weeks before we could catch her - always would run into woods. Well the weekend before Gustav hit, Fay hit and we had non-stop storms. The terrified little pup came up on porch and we caught her. We cleaned her up, took her to vet (she's the same age as Scarlett, 6 months) and have fallen in love with her. She sleeps with me and I can't believe how much I love this little dog. Her story is on another thread.



Hi Beefy & Miriam - yes, I know they are really called Spider Lilly but I think Fairy Flowers is so much nicer because they just magically appear and they are all in the woods and when you look through the woods, it's scattered with the tall red flowers and just looks magicall, like a bunch of fairies having a dance.

By the way, if anyone wants any, I would be happy to dig up bulbs and send them to you. They are everywhere around here, in clumps of hundreds, and have never been thinned out.
Ruth I would love to try these flowers up here if ya pm me I will send ya money for shipping just let me know.

There you just went and created more work for yourself LOL.
Jean - I'd be happy to send you some free of charge - don't worry about the shipping. Just PM me your address. I've had others request some also. I'll be digging some up whenever I get around to working in my gardens and yard - it's a mess now that the huge old oaks fell and took out the picket fences, hedges and gardens - so that cleanup comes first. But eventually I'll get around to digging up the huge clumps of them that are growing in places I don't care for them. After the flowers die off, huge clumps of leaves appear and make it harder to mow since they are everywhere.
Those I believe are called "Surprise Lillys" that is what my gramma called them anyway. How cool is that, You can divide them just like any other lilly in your garden.

By the way, Can I come live with you!
b that place is awesome.
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