Limping goose

That’s a limp alright, and you caught it early, some wouldn’t have noticed it so I can tell you’re an attentive owner.

Honestly it could be a number of things. You could try looking at the foot and see if there’s a foot injury or bumblefoot.

If the foot looks normal it could be a sprain or an injury to the leg or hip.

Vitamin deficiency can be the cause of limping so a multivitamin might be something to try. Parasites can also cause vitamin deficiencies.
Illnesses like botulism can start with a limp and progress to a drunken gait before paralysis.
Then there are neurological conditions and diseases.

Most likely this could be a sprain or a temporary injury to the leg or muscles so the best course of action I would suggest is to try to limit their movement and keep them somewhere warm and relaxed and let them heal up, though keep a eye out for any developing symptoms just in case.

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